HELP! I have sex on the last day/1day after my ending period? What are the likelihood I will be pregnant?

I heard it be safe to hold unprotected sex right after your period and 48hrs after you ovulate ( approx hours of daylight 14-15 of your cycle ) My cycles are not the same some are 23 days, 26 days..they alter..BC pills not an option..don't the morning after pills contain sizeable amounts of estrogen?


Is it appropriate?

Most women ovulate once a cycle about fourteen days formerly the next menses is due. However, women hold been specified to ovulate at any time during their cycle, including during menstruation, although this is unusual.

Healthy sperm travel through strands of fertile cervical mucus, which is produced a few days before ovulation. In the presence of favorable cervical mucus, which guides and nourish the sperm, they can survive as long as five days within the body. Otherwise sperm die severely quickly and never get the egg.

So can a woman "right after her period is finished" could train up pregnant?. The short answer is yes, pregnancy is possible during this time.

Basically a woman CAN get pregnant at almost any time of the month if she have unprotected sex

The "morning after pill" is a high dose of birth control pills taken in 120 hours (or five days) after unprotected intercourse to prevent pregnancy. The sooner it is taken, the more effective it is.

There are two forms of Emergency Contraception, and they may work contained by several ways: by delaying or inhibiting release of an egg (ovulation), preventing the egg and the sperm from assignation (fertilization), or keeping a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall (implantation). If started within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse, progestin-only EC is more efficient (89% efficacy) than combined hormonal pills that contain estrogen and progestin (75% efficacy). Users are also less credible to have nausea and vomiting from taking progestin-only EC than from the combined regimen. The most adjectives form of EC is called Plan B, and it contains progestin as its solely hormonal ingredient.

You should see a doctor and talk to him/her in the order of all of this so he/she can share you what is the best option for you.

Hope that help.

When do you begin counting the 28-30 days between your period?

if the pill isn't an option next you need to be using condoms. you are playing near fire...

Dose not crack?

ummm, 48 hours after you ovulate you would still be likely to carry pregnant.Your chances taper the closer you return with to and away from the exact moment you ovulate. 3 days before and 3 days after ovulation you are fertile. During your term and right before or after you are unlikely to bring back pregnant.

Help please? is NEVER safe to own unprotected sex..everyone women body is different..and you can get pregnant at any you should becareful if you dont want to procure pregnant..and use protection next time.

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most potential u're not gonna get pregnant.

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I solely read the first few words of your explanation and i came up next to an answer. its NEVER safe to hold unprotected sex, not only can you catch pregnant, but you can catch diseases, and you can never trust someone, you never know if they're recitation you the truth about their strength. get the morning after pill. telephone planned parenthood immediately!

Why am i not growing?

You are unlikely to get pregnant.
Mid-cycle at ovulation is the most promising time, and as above, a few days either side of it.
But sperm own been particular to live long enough to get together that window.
Unlikely, but not nil chance.
The morning after pill is an pick, they contain a hormone dose and make you surface a bit funny, but there are no long permanent status harms and if you want zero arbitrary of pregnancy, take one.

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Sweetie, it's very UNLIKELY that you may be pregnant. Even though your cycle differs from most, it's close by impossible for you to be ovulating the day after your time of year ends. If, by chance you run out up pregnant, it's possible that you were already and have your period during it. (Which is more adjectives than not.) Ask your doctor. He/she will tell you impossible to tell apart.

About EC's?

Nope thats a Myth. In order to enjoy your cycle the egg releases. So you cna't get pregnant if here is no egg.

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my friend was within the same situation,so i go along with her to a female doc and she said there's 50-50 probability of getting preg,and recommended to have the moring aft pills inwardly 48 hrs,no its safe to enjoy mrng pills but 1 shudnt make a mannerism of it,she said in unprotected sex even in the past the guy umm... ejaculates inside he first releases a transparent soft which also contains sperms so pulling out dosent help at adjectives.but havng unprotected sex approx 3-4days aft ur periods find over will not make you perg.

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Like alot of the other folks said... try the morning after pill. It can be pricey similar to 50 bucks but hey it is worth it!! I can atest to that. Plan b was the one they give me and said it was most significant. Short of that you're just taking probability... I wouldn't chance it if I didn't hold to.

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