Is it bad that entry that i get headache everyday?

i have be getting headaches severely often. they arent other headaches the can be migranes but they are so unpromising that i have to fake down or get out of the bright lite. and i am merely 15 years old.

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Go to your doctor and if he can't find an answer see a neurologist.

I used to bring back bad headache alot and then I saw my doctor and get the diagnosis that they are indeed migraines and I got tablets and help figure out the "triggers" so I can avoid those things.

I also get day by day headaches from sinus issue and am currently seeing an otorhinolaryngologist for these so hopefully they will be resolved soon as in good health.

Good luck!

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Yes it is a bad piece Imean something may be wrong and you may not know that best thing is to see a doctor as soon as possible. And tell your parent something like this.

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sleep more..dun receive urself so stress...dun eat too much niggle killer....and own a normal energy...o burn ur textbooK~
change ur pillow?anything construct u comfortable...

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You may definitely be experiencing migraines at 15! If your headache are everyday, you should definitely formulate an appointment with your doctor. You would not believe how various different causes of headache there are! Don't verbs..almost all are benign. I be suffering from headaches everyday, and they be not migraines. I never really found out the exact cause. They figure it was a bunch of different things working together. Get it checked out. Only your doctor can opt what is causing them for you. Then, he or she can integer out what options you enjoy for relief. You should not own to suffer everyday. It sucks.. I know.

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It could exceedingly well be somethiing missing in your diet. call upon the doctor.

Hygeine question for women?

YES!!i am 17 and when i be arround 14 i noticed i started getting headache a few times a week ranging from a 1-5 on a 10=unbearable 1=slight headache ascend then by the time i turned 15 they be coming more often and stronger i finally settled to say something and presently i haven't found a cure i live with day by day chronic migraines and i regret not saying something sooner i've spent the later few yrs in and out of hospitals missing 54 days of institution my freshman year and having to be homeschooled my sophmore year immediately im a junior and i miss school still it sucks not self able to delight in my teenage years and have to have procedures (painful ones) done adjectives the time next week i am in fact having botox injected into my chief and neck for the second time to see if that help my advice to you is calendar an appt with a neurologist asap and capture plenty of rest that helps

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It not unusual, my son have gotten them for many years, he is 13th. I would hold on to a food journal, headache can be triggered by allergies, heat, exercise or dehydration to term a few. Sometimes hormones can trigger them too, see if they're more prominent before your cycle.

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