Pls help.. tender me tips//?

HI!.. pls help.. i mistrust sex... i just cant,, im 26 married, virgin,,,can i bring drunked and let him within.. as i get stone when it comes to turn in.. i want a solution i tried,,, but at finishing i start crying as i cant. my hubby is very grasp.. help so that i dont have a feeling the pain and it can eaily budge in.. serve urgent

Generally whats the best birth control pill/shot/patch/hormone/etc that doesn't make you gain cargo?

Has something bad happen to you in the recent past to make you scare sex? Or were you brought up (like me) believing sex is dirty and shameful?

Sex is the most unprocessed thing within the world - not only to see us to have children, but to strengthen the bond between a couple. Within the bonds of nuptials, it is so special I cannot begin to report you!

You're too worked up about the intact thing to relax, and if you are uptight, access will hurt you! A small amount of KY Jelly will help this. When a woman is relaxed and wanting intercourse, her vagina produces fluid which acts as a raw lubricant to allow the penis inside. But you will not really produce this if you are not turned on.

The first time you make love next to your husband will be so special - please do not get drunk because you will not really know how to participate fully surrounded by the experience if your mind is not clear.

Start off slowly, newly kiss and cuddle one another. Then very slowly build it up.

Maybe you could walk and see a sex therapist who can find out what your denial feelings are, why you're so terrified, and help you overcome this.

I am glad to hear your husband is long-suffering - see, he really loves you.

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please respectively other without some point then you will be prepared and know.

As you start to strengthen your Kegals.?

Maybe you should let him try to finger you simply so you can be comfortable, get a intuition of what it feels resembling and so you won't be dry. Some people experience strain when they are being fingered. This can roughly be avoided by slowing down, using less force or a smaller amount fingers and applying lubricant.
Also try a lubricant like k-y jelly. This should brand penetration smaller amount painful and easier. I basically lost my virginity 2 mths. ago and was SCARED AS HELL. He tried this and it be less bloody.

Help me please?

I can understand how you consistency, i think some women experience this more than others!! it sounds approaching you have a foreboding of pain and this so leads you to tighten the below muscles which will in truth cause cramp. I think you obligation to start out slow and begin some foreplay knowing it wont head to sex. Your husband sounds so nice to be understanding and i'm sure he wont mind rather experimenting without actual sex! Try some touching and exploring not single of your husband but of yourself. i know it sounds rather disgusting but i own heard that when you are near a partner and do some touching and exploring, it can help you relax, heighten the sexual desire and you also swot up your body and where hurts and where on earth stimulates. when you've done this, you can then guide your husband to those places where on earth you feel comfortable. sometimes this is more amusing than the act of sex and dont believe you need to own sex afterwards or even have sex after a couple of weeks. pinch months to just explore respectively other and learn to trust and relax and contained by time you will be able to supply yourself fully.
as someone else asked, if this is because of a previous bad experience consequently you may need to want other help resembling a counsellor to get through your concerns. hope this help you in some course and all the best!

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Well don't contemplate of it as sex, think of it as pleasing your hubby it's a awfully loving experance.. If your worried about not human being very suitable let him hold 'charge' he won't hurt you..
Read up on 'tips' about things.. you dont own to start off beside sex... touching ect..
Hope you have a long and love jam-packed marrage.. x

Ladies do u ever cry when your on your period?

Read "Intended For Pleasure." It should assist.

And as others have suggested, please respectively other without pointed. How do you feel almost oral sex? Just do things to lead up to you to have sex. And if you still have problems, within is no shame is seeing a sex therapist. Good luck.

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