E cup boobs, (need sum help)

this sucks so badly im 19 and have E cup boobs. i repugnance them sooooo much, finding a bra that actually fits is a nightmare. im not even fat im similar to 138 pounds (63kg) and im pretty tall, so i dont know why they're so big. anyway does anyone know anything that could possibly make them smaller??? approaching exercises or sumthing???

Answers:    You are a healthy weight so your merely option is breast reduction surgery covered by insurance.
Well I know that when you exercise profusely boobs get smaller, because boobs are made up of a lot of fat-tissue, and it get burnt in exercises too. Also if you jump on a diet your boobs are normally first to go (but you're skinny so don't do this..). Anyway, in that is always plastic surgery to make them smaller, which I appreciably don't suggest as it's really expensive. But my grandma had to have her boobs reduced contained by size because the weight was screw up her back, so it was for medical reason as well as the whole bra-hunt. So I would suggest working out, which as expected also makes your body awesome. Whatever you choose, do something relatively soon because it can actually mess up your backbone a lot... however, don't overdo the exercising.too much can be harmful too! Good luck :D I may be a guy, but I own some knowledge of the breasticles.

Loosing weight would weaken the breasts, but do it through exercise, not starving yourself. EVERY large breasted girl I enjoy met who lost weight through diet (IE not eating much, or intake mal-nutritious crap like celery diet) Their boobs do get smaller but capture WAY more saggy and droopy. And if you did this with those breasts they'd be at your knees!

Now every busty girl I have met who lost stout through exercise went up 10 points on the sexy scale. Not because of their awesome bodies and their breasts appear more perky, which is a plus. But because they be strong enough to commit to exercise. Not only this but the intuitive endorphins released after a couple weeks of physical activity makes you have a feeling great and gives you confidence.

I don't know if your too self-concious to go the gym, but even doing sit ups and pushups will bestow you a noticeable difference.

Sorry if you hate your boobs, but be proud of what you enjoy. If I was your boyfriend I'd be a happy camper..
I am a boob guy but I am also a medical student. Does your posterior hurt? If it doesn't then it is a matter of time back it does and then you are really going to have to explore option. Since most of breast tissue is fat if you workout and eat well. As your body fat is lower your boobs will get smaller they will also flop a little as well. Please don't starve yourself to weaken your chest size that will just lead to adjectives sorts of other problems. I had a good friend contained by college and she had a large chest. She have a breast reduction, everything about her changed afterward. She held herself taller, she have more confidence in her body and started wearing more feminine clothes instead of big baggy shirts and become much more active. You may not want a reduction surgery but it may be your lone option especially for your health, put a bet on lifestyle etc.. i don't think excersizes will help- only if you're curvy all over.
i'm thin near an e cup too and i wear minimizer bras. the best thing i've found is to go into the underwear department, swallow your pride, and ask for assist. otherwise you'll spend your life searching for a bra that fits properly.
excluding that i guess the answer is surgery but don't do that until you've tried good bras. i use the triumph minimizer bras, i don't know if they are global or a moment ago in australia..
I know how you feel..im almost 16 and a 14DD =[
Mine are that size because of my family circle genes. 3 of my cousins have them, my mum and her sisters have them and its a nightmare. Finding a model fitting bra is terrable. Exercises will work because Most of the boob is made of fat. The only other means of access is a breast reduction i guess.

Hope this helped =].
I am duplicate. I had a d cup when I was 12, and Ive presently had 2 kids. With pregnancy they only attain bigger too.

I am considering a reduction, after I lose my pregnancy weight. Im not sure if it's a worthy idea to have a let-up before having kids. Look into it!

Also I know Bra's are super expensive, but attain a good one fitted and make sure its great for support!.
skulk, theres a E cup boob size?!
is there like a F cub or something? 0-o

hmm..what you should do is workout. i hear that if you lose weight you also lose weight surrounded by your boob area..
No. There really isn't a way to shrink breast size besides surgery.Especially since you are already thin. i normally dont agree beside plastic surgery but in your case i would recommend a breast lessening.
put on a sport's bra under you regular bra it will suck them in a short time. losing weight might help fashion them small. I bet your back hurts super bad at times. You should obtain them reduced.

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