Milky Discharge?

i know its life but i'm sick of it. every time i step the loo its there milky white fluid i revulsion it. sometimes it can be a bit smelly other times its not.

can some one inform me about discharge,,,what it is and what you can do around it? if u can

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It is quite possible that this is a thoroughly normal discharge that most women encounter. If you grain uncomfortable by the smell at times you could try buying personal cleansing cloths so that you can stick one or two in a pocket or your purse and clean yourself down in that throughout the day.

However, run the caution that some others own thrown out to heart. If it smells too badly or last too long it could be something more than just a regular discharge, it could be an infection or signs of an STD. I would recommend that you visit your gynocologist or regular doctor if you can to discuss the symptoms. There are in general low to free-of-charge gynocologist and doctor clinics in most areas that will answer your questions or win you in for a check-up if you do not enjoy insurance.

Most likely, it's immaculately normal. Good luck :)

About my time of year pain.?

its probably an infection.
drink alot of sea...alot
and if it doesnt go away within a day or 2 see your doctor!!

Aroused during a physical exam?

yeast infection travel get some magnasil or a type of yeast infection solution. DO it so as possible previously it gets worst

Does your BBT step up if you are warm?

It could be a yeast infection.. Or someone else .. any way the best piece to do is to see a doctor. They will be able to cart a test and abet you clear anything up that you may have. Or set your mind at mitigate.

Please help!?

hey becky..this discharge is pure calcium of ur body that will form u very in poor health...u can have a bit of supari pak beside a glass of milk will stop the discharge

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That's is just Gross !! be in motion to a Practitionor right away !

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Blood tests? ifyour a doctor please answer or if you in recent times know a lot plase answer?

If it's itchy and if it sometimes resembles cottage cheese..than it is an yeast infection.

If you are really worried.. hope your gyno/doctor for advice.

Otherwise it's mundane.

Does anyone know about syndrome metabolism surrounded by women?

Get some vagisil.. eat yogurt and I hold heard that if you put yogurt down in that it will help too.

Can you? girls individual?

r U SURE its everytime? I get that when I'm last a few days for sure, especially where nearby's more of it..sometimes it has a scent, sometimes it doesn't. Throughout the rest of the month I do receive it ocassionally, but its not nearly as strong as when the time of ovulation. If ur getting it alot, and it looks cottage cheezy, its more than likely a yeast infection (I catch that from oral sex a LOT! eew lol) Wear a small pad if u resembling during the bad times. And dry-clean w/ only soap and hose..don't douche or anything self cleaning down yonder LOL. If you having sex etc...step see a doc, if its not the other things described.If you think its a yeast..u should see a doc, but otherwise, check online for things to treat to for more can do a search and read TONS of posts on the subject,I don`t know you'll just see one on nearby that describes you to a tee. Good luck..its probably merely your body being inbred.

Period question?

nothing, it's everyday,...just wipe properly, and don't verbs about everylittle entity. Your too blessed too be stressed.

Home cures or remdies for a yeast infection?

you should see a gynocologist and rule out the possibility of a infection or disease...the condition you mention has characteristics of bacterial vaginosis,which is a adjectives infection when your PH balance if rotten. sometimes it is lifelong. there are some vaginal meds available for it presently though. your dr. would need to use a swab and culture the discharge beneath a microscope and would have the result fast. theres many things it could be though so dont be affraid to desire medical advice, those dr.'s see it everyday.

Women lone?

Firstly I would suggest that if you are sexually active you drop by your nearest women's health clinic. I know it can be a bit daunting but it's better to be locked than sorry.

I would also suggest that you review your yeast intake. It may be that you have a slight yeast infection due to the volume that you guzzle compared to the amount your body will allow.

Why do I feel this passageway?!!?

This is a fact of vivacity!
Other than taking a bath every year and maybe using a mini wad you are stuck with this problem.
This is nature way of getting rid of things that should not be in our body!!
Our bodies take care of themselves. That channel we do not have to use products that are out nearby that can hurt our bodies rather than relieve!!
Now when it changes colors is when you own to worry!
Good Luck

Please dont sort fun just dont comment if u chew over it is dumb..?

as long as it is white discharge you don't have a problem otherwise i suggest you see a doctor smelly discharge is embrassing and discomfited it could be trash or a viginal infection so doll check up soon feel free to reach a deal whenever how old are you
[email protected]

Girls Only!!?

its probably that you are ovulating. Its majority I go through it 2.

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