16 and no period?

okay ladies, I know this is a popular topic and I need some counsel. (sorry its a long one!)

Firstly I still hadn't gotten my period by my sixteenth birthday, so I go to the doctor, got a sonogram, tested my horomones, and go through the usual routine. During the summer, I was put on some medication to hand over me my period merely to make sure that I could hold it. It came for the usual amount of days, but 4 months then it still wasn't back. I be perscribed birth control to regulate my period and the year after my appointment, I got my term naturally. That be December, and it still hasn't come back on the other hand. Is this a concern? I am a very involved person, I swim going on for 5 hours a day and drink healthy. I am 5'8" and weigh roughly 120-125 lbs. What should I do?

Can hormones make your boobies grow?

I guess it would be a good belief for you to see a board-certified gynecologist.

A lot of women make the mistake of thinking a drop by to a family doctor or to Planned Parenthood is suitable but they aren't within cases like this. I want you to get hold of the best treatment and expertise possible.

I'm a little concerned more or less your height and consignment. If you swim that much you're building lean muscle and it weighs more than butter. So you almost sound a short time under-weight to me but you say you get through healthy.

Hormones, metabolism, the reality that they interact - very complex, so adjectives the more reason to see a gynecologist regularly until you capture a diagnosis.

A condom tells a wipe "* u cuz u always stop my buisiness 4 a week. wat be the pads reply?

that is not phenomenal. I know a person who get their period at approaching 18.....

Female protection?

I strongly suggest that you should go to a doctor and hold a physical asap. Don't wait!

Do hernia's other poke so far out that you can see a bulge?

Were you checked for a thyroid problem? My daughter had impossible to tell apart thing develop to her and it was her thyroid. She be put on pills and is now still on them after 15 years.

How do i receive my boobs smaller by excercising?

You should not do anything. Let nature nick its course. You are young, you should love that you don't enjoy to deal beside Aunt Flo right now! Cherish it! Also, human being that you're very busy and in hose down often (which stops bleeding for the most bit anyways...) is probably why you haven't yet have to deal near one of the many wonderful things that us women enjoy to deal near!

It is safe to enjoy sex after menstraution and you will outside?

maybe youre under counterweight, you said youre very busy. I know if you dont weigh a certain amount or hold a certain percentage of body flabby that your female system get a quark in it.

How does the Menstruation circle works?

The final poster that asked about a thyroid problem be right on the line of what I be thinking as well. Pls travel back to your dr and hold them do the entire thyroid panel of blood tests to see if could be your problem.

You can find out more going on for the tests used from the thryoid newsletter from around.com. The link to info going on for thyroid issues is found at: http://www.thyroid.about.com

Brown discharge?

Really alive, really really active??

Normal, because your body doesn't truly have anything extra to use. Read roughly speaking women in the flotilla seals they stop have their periods too... Also impressive runners, women with too little curvy..

Just have a Debbie cake and be delighted you are so thin!

The Pill, Period Pain, and Suggestions for Changing Pills?

Well, girls who do sports resembling SWIMMING and Gymnastics get in that periods behind. Eating healthy is vastly good. Also, I know some culture who didn't start till they were 19!!!! So,only wait don't verbs u will be fine. Just breathe and don't stop swimming cause if u do u will similar to get it at age 19. Ok GOOD LUCK!!!!!

How come when i own my period i also draw from an upset stomach?

You are probably not ovulating yet, this should start off after your periods become regular

To aver a regular menstrual cycle, fat content of the body must be 22% or greater. If you are this influential every day later your body may have concluded it would not be right for you to get pregnant but. (maybe your running from tigers).

Some of the aspects of family structure and function reported to be independently associated near later puberty:

* Larger kith and kin size
* Warmer, closer or more positive relationship with biological father
* Warmer, more supportive, low stress relatives environment
* Having a number of elder sisters

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