Does your BBT go up if you are reheat?

Hi there! I started taking my BBT this week for the first time. I am in South Africa and it have been unbelievably cold here. The past week I hold been especially cold at night and my temps be fine. Last night i dressed surrounded by VERY warm clothes and socks and my temp is up beside nearly 1 degree celcius! Can your BBT move about up if you are hotter or does your internal temperature stay impossible to tell apart?

Strech marks?

Basal body warmth is the body temperature measured without hesitation after awakening and before any physical distraction has be undertaken. In women, ovulation cause an increase of one-half to one degree Fahrenheit (one-quarter to one-half level Celsius) in basal body heat (BBT); monitoring of BBTs is one way of estimating the sunshine of ovulation. The tendency of a woman to own lower temperatures since ovulation, and higher temperature after wards, is set as a biphasic pattern. Charting of this template may be used as a component of fertility awareness.

So I guess it has nil to do with out temperature only beside inner changes. If you drink a hot drink it might lift your temperature a bit for a short while but I suppose the thaw cloth can also hike it up a bit - 1 scope is not that much is it? :)

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