Blood test? ifyour a doctor please answer or if you just know abundantly plase answer?

Well my friend judy s now14 im still 12 well shes done weed but immediately for a while now but she have been smoking ciggarettes alot lately i told her this would arise but shes worried now ..what can she do from preventing it to show up in her bllood that she smokes ..i suggested she drink hose but i dont kow if that helps?

Girls ONLY!!!?

If she have smoked weed within the final 30days it will show up on a blood test no issue what you do!! I should mention that smoking weed even in small amounts can not only head to other drug addictions but can also fry your brain cell. It may seem cool immediately, but in 10 years time it will seem to be really, really dumb! Is it really worth it?

What is this?

what was the blood assessment for?
When u go for a physical at the doctor's bureau the blood test they lay down is a CBC(complete blood count) which looks at your red bloods cells, platelets, and white blood cell.

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Your best bet is to talk to an fully developed about your friend. Either one of your parents, a professor, counselor or minister. Your friend is putting her health and natural life at risk, so even though she may hate you for doing it you must explain to someone.

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