Does anyone know the cause of hugely heavy bleeding and clotting during your menstrual spell?


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The impose could be MENORRHAGIA (if a pad or tampon is soaked through every hour for several hours) or HYPERMENORRHAGIA (if 2 or more pads/tampons are soaked through respectively hour for several hours.). Some causes are superior than usual estrogen levels, nutritional imbalance (changes in diet, lifestyle, or stress), and possibly anemia. Symptoms are period that last LONGER than 10 days, life-size blood clots, periods that interfere near your basic lifestyle--for instance, keep you from going to school, etc. constant twinge in the lower belly, etc. For some women, simple changes surrounded by diet or lifestyle will ease the problem, and for others, ELECTIVE HYSTERECTOMY may be needed. Talk to your doctor!!

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It could be a sign of endometriois so win it checked by the doc. Yours may be just common but you need to catch checked to be sure it nothing more serious.

Whats going on?

Well look at your cycle. The patients that I see beside heavy bleeding and clotting, typically enjoy short periods. They're normally heavy for in the region of 2-3 days and then they spot another year or two after that. If that's how your period is, next it's normal. If you've get a heavy flow for 4-6 days and no table lamp days, see your gynecologist. It could be endometriosis. Sometimes being placed on a birth control pill will alleviate the stocky flow and cramping.

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