What do women muse about while have sex?

Do you think in the region of being closer (emotionally) to your partner or is it primarily going on for raw agitation in the moment. Thanks for taking the time to answer.


ok this really is a good sound out that takes thought. My second encounter was a long time ago so we'll a short time ago leave it at that, but I tend to guess about what I want to do to him subsequent, and ooooooh wow how good that feel, and I hopes he knows im making a funny obverse cuz that was wwwwwwoooooowwww. I wonder if he minds im pulling his shaggy hockey curls, If I talk dirty is he going to surmise im a freak, and yessssssssssssss, yep that was a pious spot!! USually Im just thinking maintain going or oooooohhhhhh la la and thats it, thinking about nought except whats going on! which is how it should be!

I used to sit and think more or less his ex and if he was comparing everything to me and what I be or wasn't doing good or anything but that never ended right so that stopped~

I've only have one time where I be actually thinking approaching ok when were done here i inevitability to finish the laundry, get stuff all set for school (college) and bla bla. But that be a bad relationship that terminated quick.

Has anyone took a hpt while on their time of year and it came pay for positive?

the smell of my guys body ,his blue beautiful eyes, my nail scratching up and down his backbone as he thrusts his manhood inside me, and of course the LOVE we perceive for each other!

Tips on how to end long during intercourse?And to get a harder erection?

be thrifty these are the kinds of question only women can ask men who ask this sympathetic of question is considered perverted


go to hell fava 69. You are teh biggets pervert. What they presume of my friend is how to suck as much money as possible from the guys pocket

Is it a standard distance? The length between the two holes in adjectives type of women?

I don't really "think" about it. I of late feel it and it could be one or the other or sometimes both.

What happen if you masterbate but only be aware of like a short time bit of that tingly feeling?

every women is different. some women fantasize nearly romantic scenarios. some women are into the natural passion of the moment. it depends plentifully on their partner. some women do think roughly being closer.

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OK, it's not like that EVERY time, but any woman on here that have been married more than 5 yrs is a storyteller if they said it NEVER is like that.

My girlfriend is35,she have a tingling feeling in the vicinity her collar bone,she says it kinda burns somtimes.what is it

i tend to contemplate: oh my goodness this is great!...when will this be over?

i own, at times during sex my mind wanders elsewhere to other things fairly than concentrating on what's going on and enjoying it. sometimes a 5 minutes quicky is better than it remaining for "hours".


I think give or take a few how good it feel or how to make him surface good. Overthinking anything will snuff out the pleasure.

I got strange undergarmets>?

If i'm not in the mood but give in:
About the movie i simply watched

If I was surrounded by the mood:
Feeling totally emersed, passionate, at peace and attitude like we're the lone two people surrounded by the universe for that moment.

Bit of a flip eh?

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