Are bartholin cysts serious?

i think i enjoy one (or had one) that comes and go. its in matching area but it may appear high or lower. it is tender but not very prickly. i had my first lump roughly 4 months ago and now it come back. it finishing for a few days and go away. its in the order of the size of a peanut. what should i do?

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Birth control, but don't know what my mom wil say aloud.?

not really serious, they can do minor surgery and remove the entire bartholin's gland if it presents that much of a problem to you. I think their just purpose is to produce pheremones which are chemical scent attractants for men. Talk to your gyn about it and see if he/she think surgery is a viable option.

What if im pregent?

Hi! Be alert with that. At the outset it comes and goes, if it is really a barholin cyst next you need antibiotic to stop the infection. Mine get drained at last contained by the hospital. It was a minor surgery, but I swear it hurted approaching hell.
This is just my experience, a doctor may tender you more info.

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