
Today when I woke up my stomach hurted.So I went to the bathroom,zilch happened so I guess AI'm constapaited too.Then I found blood within my panties,so now I'm constapaited and on my spell.I don;t know what to do I feel amazingly light headed(I ate today) I enjoy very fruitless cramps here and there.I enjoy a little bit of lower backbone pain,from trying to use the bathroom I guess.I surface like I'm going to do,please backing.Advice or helpful msuggestions would be dutiful.Please and thankyou<3:)

Period Problem - Large blood clots?

I would try taking two ibuprofin (Tylenol, or Midol products) for the cramps and lower back torment, and keep taking them every 4-5 hours until your term ends. Cramps, nausea and lower back headache are all symptoms of PMS, things that come up before and during your extent, and they're normal. Just bear the pain killer and you should be fine.

If you're still unable to use the bathroom after today, and after taking the backache pills, you can always lug some milk of magnesia, and just products you'd own in your drug cabinet for constipation. Ask your mom if you're not sure.

I am going to the gyno for the first time, what can I expect?

Is there any occasion you could be pregnant? I know when your period starts sometimes you can enjoy all this but sounds a bit extreme.

If in that's a chance you're pregnant consequently I'd go see a doctor.

Please impart me ways to avoid delayed puberty!?

i dont think youre pregnant!
i contemplate you have really impossible period pains- every girl is different.
i hold heard of girls who gain really bad put a bet on pains and stomach aches but if this is a regular article, i would see my GP.

im getting personal i know, but is there a accidental you COULD HAVE BEEN pregnant, because my friend told me that when she miscarried, it felt approaching period pains, with the sole purpose worse.
either mode, see your GP,


I m 17 and 5.1".m i short?

Having your period can create everything feel much worse. Plus everyone get different symptoms. My friend gets really impossible ones. Like she can't get out of bed and get really dizzy and stuff. Maybe it's just a discouraging month for you. Tylenol (Advil prob works the same) usually works well but it take a while for it to kick surrounded by (at least for me)

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