Is it normal to own JET black blood clots on my cycle?


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READ - The colour of the clots is Not Anything to verbs about. The dark the clot only indicates that your "haemoglobin" is well brought-up. So don't worry, it is not unusual and the best human being you should be asking, is your "mother", an older sister, or an aunt you are close to.But adjectives if OK my dear.

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you just hold a heavy flow. it's mundane.

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i obtain clots but i wouldnt say JET black but extreamly night clots.

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jet black? I don't think thats ordinary, I've never seen it

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yea u should be fine

Hey girls?

no it is not. to be precise dangerous. see a doctor... soon

Ive be takeing the pill for a month now and in a minute im done with the pack but i havent started my periodWhy?

I do sometimes. Then again, I've also be diagnosed as anemic. If you feel tired like mad, that's probably something you should have checked.

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Dark red to black is usual, as are some clots.

Blood can be really dark especially at the birth when your period is heavier.

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No. I do believe that this can tight (non-menstrual) internal bleeding or that there is decomposition somewhere in your reproductive system. Try to see a doc ASAP.

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it may be. lone because when air hits blood it get dark... u know... similar to a scab. so if your flow is on slow day and merely have a small amount of discharge afterwards it can be normal because its taking time to go and get from your vagina to your pad. but I would strongly suggest u speech to a MD.

My clitoriuos is swollen!! why!?

I thought that was a sign of internal bleeding. But hey I could be wrong.

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Yep! I have them too. They aren't in fact black, they are just especially heavy blood clots that aren't transparent. This is conventional because, you must remember, your cycle is like a snake sheding it's skin. You are sheding the bin liner of what would normally protect a toddler, in the event that you have one. So the blood clots are just part of the pack of the "skin"(in terms of the snake) that is to say coming off.

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Usually a sign of dark or even black blood is that it is antiquated blood. This can be due to something as simple as your flow decreasing and then the spend in dribs and drabs just loving of sits there. I'm no doctor, but I wouldn't verbs too much about it.

I'm have cramps and bloating! Help!?

Yes this can happen

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if it is at the origin of your cycle then it could be infirm blood left over from final month. If it is at the end of your cycle it lately means you are something like to finish. In the middle of the cycle I would be a bit worried. You might want to have some blood work done to kind sure that your blood is not too think as this can create a blood clot in your venous or arterial system which could front to stroke or heart attack and if your blood is too think it is unbelievably treatable. Good luck.

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i have have a black period i freaked out probably resembling u are right now but i googled it and it said its average

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