Help, I'm worried!?

My right breast is half inch longer than the left one & both breast is all-embracing. It's not well-shaped. As I am only 14 I'm worried about it. Please, suggest what can I do presently?

Normal during Pms??

Im 15 and my right breast is bigger than the left, it is 100% normal

Planned Parenthood Racist?

At your age it's mundane to not be the "same" are still developing and growing and I hate to tell you but most women enjoy a difference in shape and size between their breasts. It is more noticeable surrounded by some than others. Some womens breasts can be a full cup size different! For now you will just hold to wait until you are done growing to see what happens.

If u be within, what would u recommend?

Your worrying too much, have a misshaped breast is perfectly part of quality and the process. So get used to it. My right boob is very definite (smaller) then the other one when they are completely naked! Wearing the right size bra will formulate them more pert and shapeful. So stop worrying!

Which do you use tampons or pad?

Don't worry they will even out.Trust me. Maybe you can go to Victoria's private in the meantimee and get warning from one of the clerks.She might be able to give you some special bras.

Clearish discharge?

It's fundamentally normal to have a boob bigger than the other.
My righ boob is bigger than my not here because i uses the musscles in my right arm the most.

GIrLs OnLy !?

the best solultion is to see your GP and to see if there is any lump within it.

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