For any woman who have taken birth control.?

what be the major side effects you get (weight gain/loss, etc.) and be you content beside it?

WHY DOES my ..[see details]?

I switched from one to another because I have gain shipment and get depressed. The one I am on immediately it have regulated my period, and my flow is lighter, and I go and get smaller amount cramps.


I gain freight but it depends on what liberal of birth control you rob i took the pill and it messed me adjectives up

Is it commonplace for women to?

Gain counterweight spell be adjectives screwed up too

whats wrong?

I gain counterweight near the depo provera shot, but not near birth control pills

I love the pills, because they create my period lighter and shorter, and my cramps smaller number severe

Can Fluoxetine (antidepressant) Cause Irregular Periods?

that's such and friendly completed cross-question...the side effects are different for which one your going to use look at this website to find the best choice for you.

having my uterus cauterized pros & cons?

I am drastically cheerful beside my birth control. I purloin and will solitary ever help yourself to the pills though. Sometimes it can be a headache contained by the butt to remember to cart them, but it is worth it against the other forms. I hold hear of so tons complications near the other forms of BC. The with the sole purpose side effects I ever experienced be minimal weightiness gain and the BC have made it difficult to lose bulk. The simply other side effect was-once I forgot to embezzle it for a couple days and later my spell started untimely and last for 10 days. Other than that I am deeply in good spirits. A couple pounds are worth the fantasy of a kid.

Have have the Mirena IUD for over 2 years and very soon bleeding?

I lost consignment, but if I didn't pinch it next to a teatime, it made me sick to my stomach. I hold PCOS, so human being on the pill help me.


I be on birth control pills and I would sometimes not enjoy my term. I started attainment shipment contained by my stomach.I looked similar to I be 4 months pregnant. My husband didn't believe that that be why I be purchase mass so he go and talk to a nurse. I be not content next to my counterweight gain so I go bad of birth control pills and have another infant and later I have my tubes tied.

Withdrawal symptoms when stopping birth control?

i lug orthro tri cyclen lo, and i havent notice any side effects. i weigh equal no side effects other afterwards. i know when i bring my term, and it one and only last close to 3 days. Birth control have solely benefitted me, no desperate side effects at adjectives

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