Ive be takeing the pill for a month now and very soon im done with the pack but i havent started my time of year...Why?


I need to attain the birth control shot?

It can take a afternoon or two before your length begins after the cycle of pills finishes. Mine, the concluding pill is on Sunday but don't get my time of year until the Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning. If it doesn't come in a week, go to the doctor's to rule out pregnancy, back taking the next lot.
Did your doctor notify you that you are NOT covered against pregnancy for the first cycle, didn't he? You are supposed to be using some other method of contraception until you've taken one full cycle of the pill.

White fluidy stuff 4rm vagina.normal?

Depending on what pill you're taking at hand might only be spotting between period. It usually took 2 days after I finished a pack for my period to start up. Just dally it out, no worries.

3 months irregular periods!!?

the pill will still be within your bloodstream so you should get your interval ina few weeks... im just going on for to go on it but i really cant be bothered lol
if you own any other concerns talk to a pharmasist or your doctor.

For ladies near implants simply!!?

If this is your first month on birth control or if you've switched recently it can mess up your time for the first month or two. If you've had unprotected sex near is the possibility you could be pregnant and you should take a pregnancy tryout to rule that out. Otherwise, don't worry! If you enjoy any other problems or questions, name your OB/GYN. I hope this helps!

My doctor say I have a thyroid problem, what are my option for treatment? What should I be prepared for?

i dont no sorry! you might soon! dont worry as this can prolong you length!

My period opnly last 2-3 days and it usually lasts 4-6? What's wrong?

that happen to me i was suppose to start sunday but instead i started 2 day

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