What are prom babies?

Someone told me to look it up.

Plzz help me?

Babies that are conceived on prom dark.

Ideas to help you stir up in the morning?

babies conceived on prom dark.

Ovulation early?

babies that be concived the nite of the prom.

I feel soo short i discern like not a hundred percent never grow!?

babies made on prom night

Missed time for 2 cycles - not pregnant. What could it be?

when you have sex at a prom and seize pregant.prom babies..

Seasonique or seasonale.. ?

Prom babies are babies that are concived or made on prom night.

What is the pretext why woman should at least enjoy one child before using the Mirena IUD?

Babies conceived during or born on prom hours of darkness.

Is this normal?

After reading adjectives the answers, better wear a chastity belt on prom night.LOL
I in recent times went posterior to review all the answer and notice someone gave adjectives of us the thumbs down. Well if this person think they know the answer, why aren't they letting us know? Everyone, except me, answered the same entry. I know everyone else is correct as far as I'm concerned.

Where does the clear liquid within a female orgasm come from?

do you denote prem? if so they are babies that arrive too early and are outstandingly tiny, they can have trouble breathing due to fresh longues etc they have a big confrontation to live depending on how early they come. babies born at 25 weeks gestation enjoy been specified to survive a full term babe is born from 37-42 weeks gestation. hope this helps

What is the especially best way to lose weightiness and keep it bad?

Who told you to look it up?!?!?!? What's wrong with the world today...

How long does a interval last?

when you turn to your prom and have sex, you hold a baby call a prom babie

I took my first the depo-provera shot. When can I have unprotected sex?

AND !/ did/ you/ i / did /it have / to do / with babies /being born / / at prom or disposed of at prom / or anything /to do /with the mothers / being at prom /at ther time of birth / or disposal

Ummm give support to?

babies conceived on prom night...

I own been rotten the pill for 2 weeks and my boyfriend ejaculated contained by me 24hrs ago am I pregnant.?

it doesn't necessarily mean prom darkness, it means a little one who was conceived around the time of graduation, intentionally, so the mother feel that she has a method to avoid starting college.

i love the masked thumbs-downer...idiot...

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