Birth control ?

ok so i have be on BC for about 4 months immediately i take it at matching time everyday - 4:00 .. but yesterday i forgot to take it till similar to 5ish. I went to a participant and smoked that night and i feel sick and puked around 12am , now does this connote the pill came out of my system should i be worried and not enjoy sex for a little while? (not axiom im going to just aphorism just incase?) or is the pill in my body .. and puking doesnt issue?

What to do when your period is behind schedule and then you start to hold a little pinkish when you wipe?

If you do not regularly vomit due to virus and this is a one-time thing, you may verbs to take your pills lacking fear of conceiving.
The following is recommended:
"If you miss taking a pill on in the future, take it as soon as you remember. Take the subsequent pill at the regular time, even if this means you hold two pills in sometime."
That being said, it have also been found that:
"If COC pills are taken every afternoon within 4 hours of the programmed time, with no missed pills, no vomiting or diarrhea, no antibiotic or other medication use which can fine-tuning absorption or OCP metabolism, afterwards the pregnancy rate is only 1 out 1000 women using the pill for the first year. However, users usually miss some pills or restart unpunctually after the pill-free interval making the actual failure rate 5% or 5 women out of 100 users bring back pregnant in the first year of use. Progestin single pills have a “perfect user” disappointment rate of 0.5% or 1 woman out of 500 users and the same “typical” flop rate of 5% in the first year. Progestin lone pills contain only progestin at approximately 1/3 of the COC dose, so 50% of women ovulate while using the POP hence cervical mucus is the primary screen to conception. POPs need to be taken every daytime within 3 hours of alike time with no pill-free interval or planned withdrawal bleeding days. The progestin dose is so low the cervical mucus could regulation to allow sperm penetration if the progestin level fall beside late POP pill use."
So, you have to find out if you are using COC (combination oral contraceptives) or POP (progestin with the sole purpose pills).
Good luck.

Losing virginity.?

you should be just fine..i hold heard that it take 30 mins for the pill to be absorbed into your by the time u puked the pill be already in your system...u are fine! =)

25 years hoary and unusual symptoms - hormonal issues?


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