Girls one and only! Puberty request for information!!

How much more will i grow. I am 5'5, have developing boobs, all the signs of puberty (hair growth, etc), and i enjoy a regular period that i have be having for 7 months now. Plz lend a hand!

Answers:    well you probably have a long process to go..

ive had my length for a few years now, and im not done yet..

ask your mom or a womanly on your dads side of the family how long they went through puberty for.. you will most potential go through it the same as they did.

hoppe i help? =).
We can't predict how much you will grow, you may have already had your growth spert, you in recent times don't know.
Everyone's bodies are different.
But you can ask your mum when she stopped growing, you may be similar to her :)
Don't listen to anyone on here say 'oh you're going to grow another 3 inches in echelon..' they're lying!
There's no telling how much more you will grow. It all depends. Usually, you can look at your parents and transmit how tall you'll be. And if you want an example of how big your breast will be, your mom is a great example. But a woman's body doesn't really mature until the age of 20. So still after, you're body will continue to change. capably i've heard your boobs stop growing 2 years after your period so i'm guessing echelon is the same
your probably going to be a bit taller than your mom
but i don't think you should prudence, cause I'm only 5'2'' and i'd KILL to be 5'5'' or taller ! ha ha.
U stop growing at 18 properly :)
Hope i helped-xx-

And dont stress it hun because models are extremley tall - just give attention to positive :).
Well, how tall is your dad/mom?
It sort of depends on the genetics.
And if youve be having for 7 months
you still got lots of time.
Im 5'5 and I similar to stopped growing sooo your lucky :).
idk when i was 11 i started and i was 5'0 and im 14 very soon and i only grew 2 inches..but i have a d sized cup it sucks butt!! you might tho, i ponder everybodys different... how much will you grow well how old are you? most girls stop growing around 15- 16 if your chitchat about growing like how towering will you be .
Puberty can go all the opening until you are 20 to 23. If you mean until you are "fully" grown, that depends on the person. I would guess until 18. YOU WILL PROBELY GROW A FEW MORE INCHES BEFORE U STOP U SHOULD ASK UR MOM THIS QUESTION OR MESSAGE ME... I CAN HELP

you never stop growing till you hit your groth spurt and that will be probally around the age of 18 to 21 who know.
Well it just depends on your genetics...not a soul can really tell you the answer. depends ur age iprobaley a few more in

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