I be aware of weird asking this but have anyone ever pooped white poop?

I have a bloody bladder disorder called IC. Along near it come other problems. I am pretty sure I have IBS (Irritable bowel syndrom).

I am seeing a doctor for my bladder problem, but haven't see one yet for my bowel problems.

Anyway, Friday I have some bleeding after I pooped which is normal at times due to hemorrhoids. I hold 3 kids and well this is something I operation with at times.

Today I feel the need to run and pooped just a touch bit. No bleeding when I wiped. When I get up though what I saw scared me to departure. My poop was white. Honestly it looked form of like a tightly wadded up used tissue tossed within the potty. Since I had never see my poop like that powerfully I freaked out. I know this is gross but to calm myself down hoping it be tissue I poked it with a q-tip (while it be in the potty) and when it did break I saw it be stool.

I did searching online and it say white poop could be mucus. I have hear IBS causes mucus on stool.

What's going on?

Walgreen's' Ibuprofen?

yeah it could be musus from ur feeler and it can go down when u poop it down!!! yea move about see a doctor if it happens it again..

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um...no...good luck beside that one

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no ive never pooped white before. but i do have a sneaking suspicion that u should call ur doctor merely to make sure.

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Well, the only reason I can think of are
1) in attendance is some sort of vitamin/mineral disbalance that is SERIOUS and may be unwholesome
or 2) It is just the IBS making your bowel white, both of which obligation to be told to a Doctor ASAP because it could become harmful

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When I was human being tested after mistakenly diagnosed with Crohns' disease, I have to drink a body purifier that made my body flush out my system, until my body was totally flushed, my stool color changed consistently. The dr told me this is mundane with these types of test, but if you aren't drinking anything like that, afterwards it's not exactly normal as far as I know. All that I know surrounded by regards to this, is from my experience. Your dr could probably answer this over the ph; if he have been treating you long satisfactory, he should know what effects your meds have and if it is the result from something in your treatment program. The singular creature I am sure of that has white stools is a snake, its the worst smelling poop I enjoy ever had the experience of knowing too!

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If this hasn't happened to you previously. And knowing that you have other medical problems. I come up with it best you see a doctor.

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This can also happen if you devour a bunch of white chocolate or an unusual amount of fat (for instance, if you never guzzle fried foods and got a container of Kentucky Fried Chicken). According to the link below, white mucus is, as you articulate, a factor in IBS. Be aware that Celiac disease can enjoy many of like peas in a pod symptoms of IBS.

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Oh come on, I merely finished lunch ... ewwww.

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Dr. Oz address this problem on Oprah recently. He said your poop will turn white if you don't own any bile. Please see the link below.

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=O i only just farted :)

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