Why don't counterweight loss pills and birth control mix?
The mass loss pills probably interfere with the digestion of the birth control hormones in the digestive system. If the hormones from the birth control can't catch into your blood stream, then they can't do their position. Many antibiotics have this same effect. This is why doctors will report you to use an additional form of birth control while on antibiotics.
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Birth control effects your endocrine system as does prescription weight loss medication.Dont feminine animals get period?
Second comment is correct... However, it not only blocks the incorporation of the hormones into your system, but speeds up your metabolism so that the hormones that are absorbed are processed by your body at an accelerate rate and are less important!That is why you should use nutrition and exercise to control your weight loss instead of pills or supplements... Nutrisystem is an excellent resource on proper nutritional requests, content, and portions... and Burn the Fat will educate you upon everyting else that you involve to know!
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