I have be having chest pains fro nearly 2 weeks now, I am thinking i should turn to the emerg.should I?


Be back then i'm tired! x?

First off, you must see a doctor more or less this... immediately.

Signs of a heart attack are: sore cheek, left breast is sore, numbness/tingling in vanished arm, pain that isnt relieved by rest, difficulty breathing/shortness of breath, fragility, nausea, profuse sweating. The pain would grain crushing, tight or numb and would last longer than 30 minutes.

There is also Angina, which is deeply the same symptoms, though the misery doesnt last as long and is usually brough on by exhurstion and go away with rest.

Could be indigestion, nouns attack. All sorts of things.

Lastly, an esophageal spasm has the exact same signs as a heart attack and can be confused as one.

Either mode, you need to be examined by your doc and lift this every seriously.

Licenced Paramedic

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Yes go presently. It may be nthing but if it is a cardiac problem you will get it see to.

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GO NOW! MY 38 YEAR OLD UNCLE JUST HAD A TRIPLE BYPASS! They wouldn't have caught it save for the chest pains.

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try gas-x first. gas can compact around your chest and mimic a heart attack. trust me you don't want to go the emergency room and be told you hold gas!

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Chest pains are very serious. In certainty, when you go to an emerge room and right to be heard you have chest pains they will usually see you first. I would suggest seeing a Dr for sure.

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Yes, your probably have a heart attact already.

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as longest on of your arms have no tingling your fine but for two weeks is long. usually it could be gas, too. im thinking you should call your doctor and ask for an appointment as soon as possible.

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you should go to the Dr surrounded by case its Ur heart for sure if it runs contained by your family travel to this sight it will recount u more http://www.mayoclinic.org/

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Where surrounded by your chest exactly are you having the distress. Obviously if you are left side chest headache along with disappeared arm numbness and shortness of breath you should go forthwith to the ER. Another possibility could be that your having an anxiety attack due to alot of stress surrounded by your life, the symptoms are similar. The concluding option could be that your of late having heart burn from consumption too much spicy food or from eating too much unwanted items food. Either way you should receive an appointment to see your doctor to be properly evaluated

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