Where exactly is the G spot.. I am pretty sure I know but could you helP?

My friend has never have an orgasm and has be reading about the g-spot but cant give the impression of being to really figure it out..how can i acurately explain it to her?

Answers:    Have her lay on her rear and place her cupped hand over her crotch, palm down, beside her middle finger resting between her lips. Insert her finger to almost two inches and then curl it towards her navel. She'll get the impression a bulging area that have vertical ridges on it. That, my friend, is the G-spot.
well first of adjectives not all women hold a G spot, so she might just not own one. and secondly, if she wants to see if she can find it, she can explore herself to see. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk...
The G-spot is a bit controversial; some assume it exists, some don't. fact is, some women can enjoy orgasms through sexual intercourse, but most cannot.

Its not the G spot she needs to verbs about; its the clitoris. the clitoris is located on the outside of her vagina, and it is what is supposed to be stimulated to hold an orgasm.
It is approx. 2 inches in the vagina on the upper portion (stomach side) and it feel like ridges cryssy s,
Scientists enjoy recently discovered that lone a few women have a G-spot. If you masturbate and hold been incompetent to reach orgasm, you may not enjoy a G-spot. You can read more about failing to manage orgasm on this news report here. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/461689...

The G spot is reportedly a few inches into the vagina. Your partner should be capable of feel near his fingers. Read more about that here. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/725452...

If you are powerless to read the information on the links for not being a UK citizen, I apologise.

I hope this answer help you.

The G-Spot physiologically is located behind the pubic bone that surrounds the urethra. The urethra is the hole that we urinate out of. But you can get or access the G-Spot through the anterior (more towards the front of your body) wall of your vagina.

Often it is said that it is a very sensitive nouns and that when that spot is touched, it creates a highly stimulated reaction and eventually producing an orgasm. However, there are also facts that this is not true and have questionable results. The best thing if your friend desires to know about how to draw from an orgasm, try different positions or relaxing while during intercourse.

My best friend says for her she desires to have an stormy investment with the guy previously she can "allow" herself to orgasm. As for me, it happens intermittently but pretty at the double. It all depends. Hope this help!

Here is a link and an picture you can clik on. It gives great visuals:
Unfortunately the myth that ALL women enjoy a "G Spot" that if you rub it right it will always produce an orgasm every time, have been debunk. Some do, and in premise it is located about 1 - 2 cm inside the vagina at the top.
The certainty is more women orgasm through clitoral stimulation, either next to or without permeation, than by penetration alone. So nearby you have it. With the woman lying on her support. insert your fingers into her vagina with the palm of your mitt turned up. With your fingers inside feel the nouns just at the rear the clitoris. It will feel rough and coiled. This is the g-spot.
Some have it and some dont I know there's a G-Spot contained by every girl. It's supposed to be their most sensitive area and you can communicate when you've hit it (or so I've heard) I have asked one of my friends around it and she told me it is pretty deep surrounded by the vaginal opening.

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