How can i divide when my subsequent interval will be??

I never know when i'm going to start. It just pops up whenever it's time. I've tried, but it does'nt seem thoroughly accurate. I don't know how to find out when my period is supposed to come. Do i count THE DAY i started OR the day AFTER by length STOPPED? I'm so confused! I've kept track of my here is some info:

January 13-26 ( i know, long period, but i stopped taking my birthcontorl during that time, that's why it be so long)

Febuary 18-23

March 24-31

If you could tell me, how i keep track, i would GREATLY appreciate it!

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Okay it's around 28 days (it depends on how long surrounded by between yours usually are) from the FIRST DAY of your last period. so to integer out the one for april, you would count around 28 days from march 24.

Please Help If your a doctor?

Your periods are similar to min [before I got pregnant] irregular.

I dont think in that is a day you can say "Im gonna start" you simply have to keep some days within mind like since your last extent started the 24th just be prepared about 5 or so days after that to start you may start your subsequent period between the 24th and like 30th. Your period are just irregular now but when you acquire older they will become more regular. Hope this helps. Good luck!

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I enjoy been keeping track of mine on calenders since I was 14ish. I hold keep the last 5 calenders.

I splodge when mine starts. Then the next time you get it, red mark the day again. Then count from the first day of the final one to the first day of your current one. That is how many days within between each you should have if you are regular.

Mine for instance is around 30 days. If I draw from it on march 31 I should get my subsequent one one april 30 or may 1. In between that time.

Girls Question??

Keep a basal body temp chart. It will tell you when you ovulate. Then you can count on your period to come 14 days latter. You can find out how to do this at

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28 days from the FIRST day of your period!

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