14 year old on the pill?

my friend is 14 years aged and get impossible length pains, and she take the pill! i know this isnt usual, but is it past the worst? im concerned she could be making herself unwell! (please no silly answers, this is a serious question)

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It's nice that you are worried in the region of your friend - and you do enjoy intention to be as resourcefully, the Pill isn't entirely in need consequences.

The Pill is within nonspecific "safe", so the likelihood are slim that she is going to suffer infection from it - it can increase your hit and miss of a stroke or blood clots, and some argue breast cancer, but these are adjectives lawfully minimal.(depends what you argue as minimal though!), so in opinion, yes, she would be fine on it.

BUT, more importantly though is that she should find out in a minute WHY she have impossible time of year pains. In nonspecific, although it take a while for period to settle within as a juvenile, the length pains should not be extreme. There could be a exact for them - such as fibroids, endometriosis, or polycystic ovarian syndrome. Your friend should really own those 3 things at most minuscule checked out up to that time basically mask the problem beside the Pill.

All that the Pill does is lug over your integral hormone system so any problem she may enjoy wouldn't gain better, it would of late be hiding away until she comes stale the Pill and it would be better that she get treatment at a younger age a bit than find out at 30 that she have something wrong.

Of course, the period pains might merely be fine, and usual, but she should really exterminate adjectives possibilities formerly taking the Pill? Some women do freshly capture fruitless period for no biddable cause but it's pretty exceptional really.I would acquire her to a upright Dr basically within overnight case, probability are she's fine but a few test presently won't be too much bother at adjectives to put her mind at rest.

PS - As you say-so she is overweight, and diabetes runs within her house, she should clearly enjoy a theory test for PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.one of the symptoms is inability to lose weightiness and nippy bulk gain, and blood sugar issues. The website below have fairly a thoughtful description of it. She would simply inevitability an ultrasound scan and possibly a blood oral exam to diagnose it, so high-speed and trouble-free and better she know very soon.

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You can lift the pill any when you instigate to be sexually live, or when your ovaries are fully developed and spouting ova.

Is this true?


Im on birth control?

it could be only just a side affect from the pill. your friend should newly turn to the doctor and see if something is wrong.

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It is fine.

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You can't of late 'bring back' the pill, it have to be prescribed by a doctor, so I wouldn't verbs.

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It should be ok as long as she isnt overweight or have a nearest and dearest history of blood clots, basically narrate her not to help yourself to the pill for years in need a break.

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I started taking it when I be just about 15/16 for my period and i'm 19 and still hold it. Its nontoxic and in that is zilch to verbs in the region of.x

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Well, if she's seriously surrounded by stomach-ache and her mother and doctor know, I guess it's okay.

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wel if she have get the pill later sh must own it from a doctor.
tolerate the professionals agreement near your freind if they infer it is undamaging afterwards it is.
to be honest if it is for prickly period so to be exact smaller number worrying at her age than someone on the pill for contraception at 14!
but the pill is usually not detrimental they wouldnt enjoy given it to her if it wasnt.
Take care

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Your friend requests to shift see her OB/GYN! Sounds resembling her babyish body isn't getting along next to the hormones surrounded by the pill and yes, she may be doing some serious sabotage to her body. One won't even ask why a 14 year old-fashioned requests to be on the pill. That's more of a social sound out than a medical one.

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Dont verbs they regulate period and support length symtons, Its also nice to hear that immature girls are reading and using contraction, 1 smaller amount immature mom for us adjectives to reward :0) , and stop worrying its helping not hurting x

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Actually, your friend taking the pill is usual. Her doctor prescribed the pill because she's be diagnosed beside an extreme menstrual condition call dysmenorrhea (I hold it also). It can grounds mind-numbing cramps, dizziness/nausea, severe bleeding, and faint, although the most adjectives symptom is the intense discomfort alone. The pill is completely forceful at solving this problem, and your friend will be purely fine, the side effects are unusual and not at adjectives serious. For more information, stop by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/dysmenorrhe... however, keep hold of contained by mind that this isn't a full description of heaps of the physical symptoms. What your friend wishes in a minute is support, it's a awfully difficult disease.

Hope this help, honourable luck!

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Nope it is completley ine if hse is feeble adequate to achieve her menstration length afterwards she is dated ample to be on the pill. the pill will straightforwardness her affliction during her menstration greatly, theres no entail ot be worried unless she is engagin in intercourse. it is not healty for a 14yr elderly to own ntercourse the mental effects could deformity her for life span.

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Birth control pills if truth be told subside menstrual cramping.
If I jump rotten my pills, my anguish is a hundred times worse so it certainly help me and probably help your friend.

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The simple answer is she ought not to be on the pill at such a infantile age, this is the consequence of preventing pregnancy by the channel of a pill. Her childish body is not ready ample for full-grown buzz. don't steal my word for it, look on the inter-net to see what can occur to girls who enjoy sex too immature.

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She should see a doctor if she have doomed to failure cramps while on the pill.

For those lecture in the region of a 14 year infirm on the pill, near are tons lots reason to be on it excluding contraception.

Regulating period, easing cramps, acne are solitary a few of the other reason.

So don't be so hurried to adjudicate!!

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The pill is recomended for young-looking girls if their period are too calorific or uncomfortable, it is a form of controlling the problems.

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No it's fine don't verbs, i have to lug them because i suffered from really really unpromising interval pains and i be a terribly hefty bleeder. The pill help to slow down the bleeding and control the anguish.

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She is not making herself below par and it isn't nonstandard at adjectives. A lot of relations near indigestible period, and chiefly when overweight are given the pill as a routine of making them more regular and lighter. Not for a contraceptive use, but a medicinal one. It lately so happen that the ingredients in the pill are matching ones used to regulate and alleviate period and sometimes even the niggle associated.

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Nah! As long as the pil she is on is right for her! I be on the pill at 14!
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