Pcos press?
Why is it that obstetricians now cut within this seemingly more damaging direction?
I hold PCOS too, and I would suggest that you see a doctor. While it is 'normal' for us to touch ovulation.. with a sharp backache, it's not a common practice for it to be ongoing and stable anymore than a couple of days TOPS! It is possible for you to have a cyst or even be pregnant, contained by which case you entail to be seen any way. I other try to look at it this way, if I am worried something like something being 'wrong'.. If I be in motion get it checked out and it's nil to worry give or take a few, then cool, I did myself a favor by not putting vasts amounts of verbs into 'nothing'.. and if it turned out to be something? I caught it untimely enough for them to fix the issue :) So, other go bring back checked and ladies, TRUST YOUR GUT! We have that instinct for a root :)
Good Luck!
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