My little sister is really innapropriate. She knows adjectives about sex, period and more. Please read the details.?

She knows just about the testicles, and the ovaries. She knows how a mannish and a female craft a baby. She read in my time book, and she shaves her legs and armpits. Also one day I saw her anyone fully naked and she be looking in the mirror and sticking out her vagina and looking in her vagina hole! She is really young and she know too much. What can I do? HELP ME!

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You didn't say aloud how old she is, but anything age she is she needs someone to address to her who can be understanding but also put together sure she has the right information and can ask question. I know it can seem discomfited for children or young adolescents to know too much too untimely, but you have the opportunity to be agreat sister here. Perhaps embezzle her out or spend some time with her and later bring it up gently. Mention that you know she's be reading your book, and that it's ok to be curious but that she's still young and some things conceivably aren't appropriate for her to know yet. It's obedient for girls to know all something like periods and be prepared so form sure she has the facts. Maybe even share next to her what happened to you and agree to her ask you questions. Tell her that you are nearby for her and she can trust you, and if she needs to ask anything she can come to you. My sisters are 17 and 14 years elder than me, so I just didn't discern comfortable going to them with question, but if I'd have have a sister about 4 or 5 years elder I would have done. She'll hold so much respect and love for you for being honest and for one there for her. Try not to freak out, but merely remember what it's like to be young-looking and confused but maybe too mortified to ask anyone things. You can't take away any understanding she has already, but you can get sure she understands things better and know how to make sensible choices around things as she gets elder.

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You didnt state how old she is. I'm assuming she's around 10, since she have to shave her armpits already.
Well if you're really much older than she is, you can sit her down & a moment ago talk to her going on for the propriety of her actions. Or catch your mum or aunt, & talk together next to her about this. She's probably at an age where on earth she's curious, and if you dont guide her through the right path, she might downfall up making wrong decisions. Refrain from scolding her though, cuz she'll merely be rebellious and not listen to you.

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