Should I stop, and want a real situation?

I had my daughter 6 1/2 months ago, everyone around me started recitation me I seem depressed, go to the doc. they put me on lexapro. I didnt like to pocket it because the simple fact that the one doomed to failure side effect to them is MAJOR. I started working, well as much as i could do.. I babysat (3 kids+ have my own), because i did not want to leave my daughter contained by a just cant give the impression of being to trust them...and i'd would rather be beside her for atleast the first year...But now I'm worse, I cried the time after valentines day because my roses be dieing...Im very sensitive presently, and I have never be this way. I not here from babysitting yesterday, and now she keep calling wanting me back, but, when im away from those kids and newly have my little one im much better...not exactly all better...but better..Should I travel back to her tomorrow, or should I find a virtuous daycare for my daughter and go pay for to work fulltime..Anyone been within, done it and felt better? PLEASE HELP

Serious request for information?

Ask for a new prescription. With side effects close to that, lexapro is not the way to travel.

There are many other anti-depressant drugs available, and don't stop until you enjoy the right one for YOU!

P.S. Don't be upset that the flowers died. Be MORE upset at your husband/boyfriend for buying ones that die so quickly!

Herbal remedies for polycystic ovaries?

Yes you should. I suggest in cases approaching yours, it's time to move on and adopt what God has given you. As an amateur Psycologist, I believe you stipulation to tone your sensitivity down, and your seriousness up.

Women only please! I enjoy a pea-sized, round lump in "that" nouns.?

Work is not the issue. Post partum depression is. I went thru that, horrible. Get yourself posterior to the Dr. and get on a better med. This should be a hppy time but for some of us its not. Nothing to be ashamed of, hormones play a majo element. Any way Brooke Shields come out and wrote a book on Post partum depression. Good luck.

Do you think I will carry my period soon?

It sounds similar to post-partum. It can last forever it seem like. Can you do a daycare resembling thing contained by your own home? You may need to simply get out and do something for yourself. Sometimes it help to just acquire out and have a girls dark. I have be there. Don't tolerate anyone tell you that daycare isn't a concrete job. I enjoy 2 cousins and an aunt that do it in their own homes. Try it. You might like it better.

Help!! I believe im geting sick?

You have a material job,the hardest career out there.Being a mother to a 6 month ancient is the most important position there is.And I myself suffer from depression and enjoy great results from lexapro,its the best thing out in that and the only side effect I found is it have no adverse effects on me.Please be good to yourself and furnish yourself some credit where credit is due.

Is my solidity okay for my height ?

I come up with your feelings are colloquial for a new mother you world will never be matching again. You have a big result to make it will be knotty to leave your daughter but taking fastidiousness of four kids is very stressful. Think things over and do what you believe is better for you and your daughter just tranquil down and think in the order of the worst thing that could take place if you make the wrong verdict. Nothing really bad would crop up sometimes in life span we need to travel both roads to find the right one for us here case you can. Good luck.

What is the best deoderent to stop sweating?

well i enunciate at home with my daughter and view a 2 yr old so I can be at home next to her. My daughter is 5 months. It is a real brief and you must be a great nanny to these kids because they want you back. you should be delighted. you have a beutiful daughter and nation want you!

My friends issue!!?

You should find a good daycare and progress to work. I was sensitive for a while after I have my baby too. You should bring back out the house and go to find your mind of the stressful situation.So when you come home to your baby you will really bring a chance to fully relish her and spend time with her short being frustrated.Because when your at home adjectives day it can carry a little bit frustrating* honourable luck

Sims2 questions?

Bring the infant to moms for a little bit and pinch a vacation. It sounds similar to you need a leave. Go somewhere nice with the hubby, perchance a spa resort or something. it will make you have a feeling better. Stress can make you markedly depressed and everyone knows that kids can create a bit of stress. You might be have some anxiety as well. Maybe going somewhere where you can address with someone. Talking and relaxing are usually a appropriate cure for anything

Girl/period/med help PLEASE READ LADIES?

For children to enter watchfulness in their first three years of enthusiasm is so damaging to their intellect - because they are not beside mommy, not in her arms (infant brain cell only form connections when infants are individual held!) and because they are so stressed by the separation - cortisol, the stress hormone that floods the brain of an infant crying for mommy, causes depression and anxiety, impair learning, and cause stress disorders in manhood for the infant who suffered so.

NICHD studies have found that kids who enter hours of daylight care past 5 have university problems that persist for 12 years after stopping afternoon care.

Humans are primates. Have you ever observed primates at the zoo or elsewhere? They never put their infants down. That's how ours evolved, that's what they necessitate. Mommy's milk, mommy's arms, mommy's time and devotion.

No early research center can deliver the goods for an infant/toddler - it's a pretend parents tell themselves to assauge the guilt at the egregious behavior of abandon their children to be raised by hired oblige - because infants and toddlers need mommy to swot best.

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