How do I lose ten pounds hurriedly?

I am 14 and I am 5'3 and weigh 110. I want to lose ten pounds. What diet should I try?

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Your 14 and 110 sounds about right for you.

I don't expect you should be worrying about your freight.
Just live life and be relaxed.

To heck with what relatives think.

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I see no cause at all for wanting to lose ten pounds. For a 14 year antediluvian who is 5'3, you are at a healthy shipment, and it wouldn't hurt to gain a few pounds either.

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I am 17, 5'2, I weigh 115.
My body could not be any more ideal.

You are too young and compliant to be trying to lose weight.
You are too held up with what you reckon it real make-up and what good immensity is.
Your weight is supreme.
If you really believe you're fat, step tell a margarine person.
If they agree next to you then travel ahead and be a typical little girl who purges and sucks on celery every day.
You will not be a merry person.

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Buy "Hollywood Celebrity Diet." It's a drink that will make you lose 10 pounds contained by 2 days according to the label. But after that second sunshine when you realize the "diet" consists of eating zilch, only drinking this soft, and all that does is form you crap your brains out, maybe you'll realize that at hand are no quick fix diets.

Also, you are solitary 14, you are at a healthy immensity right now, and enjoy no reason to diet.

Only route to lose weight is to burn more calories than you lug in (eat or drink) in a hours of daylight. Do this continuously and you will lose weight. Look at the details of EVERY diet plan to be exact out there. Even diet pills. They adjectives state the same entity, eats smaller number (or more healthy) and work out more. PERIOD. THAT'S ALL. NO OTHER WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT!!

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Honey you do NOT have need of to lose weight, if anything you necessitate to gain some weight. Once again it depends on your body structure. If you are muscular and larger bone consequently you are definately toooooooooo skinny. Just make sure you munch through healthy and exercise correctly. Ask your doctor, a exercise specialist and a dietition. They WILL let somebody know you and show you the correct and healthy freight. Hopefully this helps.

If I enjoy unprotected sex one or two days after my period, can I gain pregnant?

Drink a big glass of marine every hour.
Eat 6 small meals a daytime. Make sure each collation has a carb and a protein. Make sure you guzzle enough, because if you don't your body will come up with it is starving and hold on to the excess weight. Try 1200-1500 calories a day.
Do NOT get through any fast food.
Exercise for an hour respectively day. Do cardio and alternate between leg and arm muscle exercises.
Check out this website:
Ideas for things to eat
Breakfast: 1 cut of nofat yogart blended near frozen fuit
Snack: Apple and stringcheese or cottage cheese.
Lunch: Salad with girlled chicken, pallid on the dressing
Snack: once slick of turkey rolled up with a slice of cheese and a pickel
Dinner: Grilled chicken or fish next to steamed veggies
Snack: a bowl of non sugar cearl with skim milk
or 1/2 cup of rotund free ice cream or hefty free sugar free pudding
you can also have sugar free jello beside light cool thrash.
good luck!

Slipping my girl some.?

eat clean foods exercise every morning and night wander to school/work and be happy never miserable

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Honey, you don't entail to lose weight. Even if you did, doing it FAST isn't the channel to go. You don't GAIN counterweight fast, so if you try to lose it nifty you'll wind up harm your body & then attainment even more back. Be festive with your body - you're immaculate just the mode you are.

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