Birth control..?

okay i really think i should be on birth control. i enjoy been sexually helpful for about 2 months presently. and i dont want any
suprises. i use a condom every time. and with my spell being so irregular i want them to be straightened out. and i want to variety sure im extra protected.
the thing is i am not on this stratum with my parents and i really dont know how to ask them. i show my boyfriend said he would take me to planned maternity to get them, but i dont want to be in motion behind my parents back... and im scared if i do ask they will be upset next to me and know i just want to own sex when the main intention why is becasue i have irregular period i want straightened out.
any suggestions on how to ask them?
should i ease into asking the question
or only just come out and ask?
ive been wanting to ask for a few months presently.
and i get stressed and merely change my mind
at the ending minute.

Brown bleeding after?

First the warning... please please preserve using comdoms even with the birth control. Please!

That anyone said, I was within your place when I was within high institution. Birth control made my life so much easier - no more wondering when your time of year was going to start and wreck your afternoon. And the cramps were so much better.

If you are sexually helpful, then you are antediluvian enough to start seeing a gynocologist. If you already are afterwards explain your situation to him/her. If the recommendation comes from your doctor (like it did for me) later your parents will be more accepting. If you do not have a gynocologist even so, planned parenthood is probably the road to go. Plus I'm positive that planned paternity can give you lots of counsel on how to talk to your parents. Even if you don't take the pill there, they are probably a great resource for how to business deal with this.

I know it's tough, but I be so glad (and still am) that I did it. Some people's period never get regular and the pill made everythng so much better. And once you narrate your parents you will feel better too.

But don't forget the condoms!

A girls personal cross-examine..girls ONLY!!?

Buy birth control pills, but when your parents ask you about them, right to be heard they're tic-tacs.

Thyroid problem?

if your sixteen you don't need to your parents to get hold of birth contol so if you're really worried to tell them you can lately get a prescription for them short them knowing. However if this would make you surface guilty just sit down beside your parents and tell them why you want them, and I'm sure they'll think through :)

Me and my boyfriend have tried to enjoy sex four times but nothing ever happen?

I'm not sure how old you are, but if you're at most minuscule 15, you should probably see a gynecologist anyway... it's important to start seeing one more or less early these days because there are so copious problems that can be caught early, and a gynecologist would be capable of support your want to be on birth control if your periods are irregular - so if your unawares to talk to your parents give or take a few your sexual activity, next at least cart the health approach.. it's responsible of you to want to give somebody a lift care of yourself, any way, and I don't see why any parent would be upset around that... good luck!

Women problems?

i respect that u dont wanna stow it but tell ur parents that u want to because of ur period tell them that it have nothing to do wiiht ur boyfriend clear sure that they understand or if adjectives else fails hold a family extremity tell them..

Do you similar to to paint with polish your foot nails?

I reckon you should just notify your mum that you have irregular period and would like to grasp some birth control to make them more regular.
Ease into the press - maybe by conversation about form issues?
If you are too freaked to talk to your parents possibly you could talk to another womanly that you are close to (an aunty, friends mum ...)
Finally, if you do decide to dance and get some short talking to your parents dont verbs too much about nearby reaction they will probably be glowing to see that you are taking care of yourself. and if they do attain a bit mad its prob coz they quality that their "little girl is growing up so fast" lol it makes them a bit nuts . . .
Take attention and do what is best for YOU!! :D

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Stretch spot question. 2 question in one! Women solitary!?

I say what ever you are comfortable beside but you do not need to be prego @ 16.If you can ask you mom go for it it not its better to go yourself than not @ adjectives.But you know BC is not all its cracked up to be,within are many side effects some doomed to failure ones.Even cancer my DR. took me off them because within is alot of cancer in my domestic...I just have to go vertebrae on them because I haven`t had a . within about 6 or 7 mo. :( But anyway they craft me crazy bad that mode so so moody and mean I snap @ everything and everyone:( But better risk-free than sorry.also just because you are on BC you can still catch STD`s you need to protect yourself no event what he says....I watch a awsome lifetime movie the other day that really make you think in the region of those things because she got Aids from 1 time:( and that go to say you can`t find rid of everything:( so just hold of yourself.....

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