Help? period 1st near swimming?

hi um i started mi 1st period today and u can only just call it a interval. it is just brownish discharge deeply, a little smaller quantity than 2 times as much clear discharge as i normally receive. nevertheless, it is a period. i am also going to the coast tomorrow and i love to swim in the the deep. i know i cant wear a pad contained by the ocean. i do quality comfterable wearing a tampon, for before i ever even budge my period i inserted one for a few minuites lately to see how it felt, and feel fine. but that was solely a few minuites. i am worried that since my period is so flimsy this first time i should not wear a tampon for 4-6 hours. i also only own regular sized absorbency tampons to use, so will this be all right? thanks

First timequestion?

First period are a little confusing, mine be also oddly colored so don't verbs about that. Have you be wearing a pad since afterwards? Are you bleeding a lot into it? Sometimes next to the first period, it is thoroughly light and for a few hours (especially surrounded by a place like the ocean) you can turn without anything. If you have a feeling it is too heavy or unusual, go ahead and try a tampon, newly make sure in attendance is a bathroom near by and see if your mom or someone is around to give support to you decide when to pocket it out. I'd also suggest going to walmart or somewhere and getting some junior absorbency tampons since they are smaller and probably better to try out.

good luck

Menstruation Problems?(women solitary please)?

use a regular or small tampon.sometimes your period will start slow but you can start bleeding heavier. so u should probably save that in mind

Girlz just?

Its okay to wear a tampon for four to six hours. even if its light, lately make sure the string isn't sticking out of your bathing suit, only just make sure you dont wear if over six hours

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Well first of adjectives, your period will probably get hold of heavier. Its usually light on the first daylight and gets heavier surrounded by the middle and then feathery again. So yes a regular tampon should be good.

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stay away from the super absorbency ones in general

honestly when i started wearing tampons i be worried about the hour piece, but yea 4-6 sounds about right.

when i be younger i didn't want to have to fine-tuning anything during school, so i would of late wear a regular tampon and a regular pad, by the close of the day it would work out

sorry, i know that sounds gross

the light-ness of your term doesn't matter, you don't want to 'brand name a mess' in the pool

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