I have prolapse of the bladder, uterus and cervix and stipulation a total hysterectomy and I am afraid?

I am worried about the stomach-ache afterwards. It is going to be a vaginal hysterectomy with repairs and I own anxiety and panic attacks and I am really afraid. What is the worst entry that could happen if I don't turn through with the surgery?

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i have a hysterectomy November 17Th of 2006. i am 27. it was the best point for me. the pain after words really sux. i heal in similar to 7 weeks. i got cut start on though you know at the bikini line. it did hurt but i heal and now i quality great. if you don't get it done the problems that you own will probably not go away. you should really bring back this done. They give you a morphine drip for the first 24 hours next pain pills for the rest of the time. its not that fruitless. and just estimate, no more periods!! that's the best sector. good luck to you

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Let me be frank, a lot of aching in the first daylight or two, but you will get painkillers at the hospital for sure. After that it totally depends on you. Some women achieve up and about in 2-3 weeks some need 4-6 weeks. Its ok for both. There is no rule one have to abide by. You do as you wish and surface. If you feel you are not all right, just stay put till you are. The aching gets smaller amount with time and I am sure that after you restore your health your health will be much better and smaller quantity stressful. Good luck.

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my mom had a histerectomy. she be in a dutiful amount of pain after the tablets wore off. the staff even have her walking teh next daylight!! so, not to scare you or anything, but u'll be in a moral amount of pain. but if u dont take it done, ur symptoms will get worse a moment ago like anything thts not taken supervision of right away.

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I had a complete hysterectomy 10 years ago, at first you will be comfortable because of spasm meds when you get home relax as much as you can, don't over do it the cramps and discomfort should make less burdensome off surrounded by about 6 weeks or so. Try to have an idea that positive about the procedure and remember why you have to have it done. Good Luck to you.

Plz oblige girls only?

A vaginal hysterectomy is one of the easier surgeries to restore your health from. You will receive pain killer after the surgery, but you should experience minomal pain. Several women,that are friends, own had this surgery and retrieval was quick and less throbbing than the abdominal surgery.
If you decide not to own the hysterectomy done along with the repairs, you will probably experience escape from your bladder. This is what happened to my kid sister when her bladder dropped. The dr. recommended that she hold the sling put in to support her bladder, which will help next to her weak bladder.
I have a abdominal hysterectomy done, I was not contained by major niggle. I have a high-ranking tolerance for pain so the surgery did not create problems for me. The surgery relieved like mad of pain from excessive bleeding. Also took contemplation of my mood swings. No longer sweat or have hot flashes as scantily as before.
Goodluck and discuss your fears beside your Dr.

Girls only..please.?

please want treatment... the worst thing that could turn wrong if you don't have it will be your uterus falling out of you
try to hold a vaginal hysterectomy no incision earier recovery rate, smaller amount risk....

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