GIRLS ONLY! pimple "down there"?

hey girls

i have shaved my pubic hair, once or twice, and now in attendance is this big pimple thing nearby!

(i am a virgin!)

is it there because i shaved?!

how can i go and get it to go away?

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You probably own an ingrown hair that's gotten infected. Try sitting in a hot hip bath with epson saline. Keep doing this for the next few days. An celebrated thing to remember is to save that area dry surrounded by between soakings. Hopefully, the abcess (or pimple as you call it) will burst on its own. If it doesn't, you may entail to call your doctor so he can javelin it.

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yea this is because you shaved. your skin will become irritated and will bump up, but this will step away

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When you shave it can cuase ingrown hairs contained by your hair folicals. Sometimes they will really hurt, be red, & enjoy puss (like a pimple). Sometimes they can get infected. Either channel they hurt & suck, but there isn't much to do nearly it. If it bothers you that much then of late try trimming instead of shaving, if you insist on shaving here are a few tips: never do it first thing contained by the morning cuz of the blood flow, trim as close as possbile, use baby grease on it 5 mins before shaving, use conditioner insead of shaving cream, renovate blads as soon as it get dull, & they articulate shave once against the grain & once next to, but I always obligation more (the more times the blad goes over it the more irretated it will be), & lastly use lotion right after & every night/morning/ or whenever u use lostion each day. I do all that & still grasp em.

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It is most likely an ingrown mane or reaction from shaving. This almost other happens. If it is an ingrown down see if you can pull it out (carefully) by squeezing it or lifting it near a clean nozzle. Next time you shave try only shaving impossible to tell apart directions that the hairs grow, other use a very sharp cut-throat, & no more than two strokes in respectively area. It may be fairly as smooth, but it much more comfortable when growing back.

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i got impossible to tell apart thing when i shaved the first time . it will walk aWAY IF YOU just don't pop it . try putting some yeast infection cream on it and see if it help . i know it helps majorly near itching . good luck honey !!

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