Sex change.?

Me and some of my friends were wondering what would surface or how does the prodceder go. To revision a woman into a man, like you know what i be set to the whole entity and how much would it coast?

Is there any course of making my period come early?

The meaning of sex reassignment surgery usually differs for transwomen (male to female) a bit than transmen (female to male). For transwomen, sex reassignment usually involves the surgical construction of a vagina, whereas in the case of transmen, this permanent status may entail any of diverse procedures, from the mastectomy (removal of the female breasts) to the shaping of a male-contoured chest to the construction of a penis. Additionally, transmen usually experience a hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.

Chest (or "top") surgery is often the lone surgical procedure female-to-male transsexuals choose to undergo, as GRS technique for transmen are still rather unrefined and typically produce genitalia of compromised deep and functional quality.

As a result of SRS, the human being will have the external anatomical appearance and function typical of the strange sex. They are unable to reproduce due to the paucity of sex glands (testes or ovaries), except through prior sperm banking or embryonic freezing, which still require a impressionable woman with a uterus to conduct yourself as the surrogate mother.

Additionally, it is usually necessary for transsexual culture to continue taking hormone replacement analysis in writ to maintain their lower sex characteristics and prevent conditions such as osteoporosis.

As for the Cost It Verys to What you have Done:
See Link Two For Prices

I am have REALLY big cravings for food during my period..?

A couple thousand dollars, perchance.

Spotting between periods?

probably in the region of 20,000 is what i heard as it is no minor surgery

below are several links to find out and also here is a site that gives prices

EnHancement PilLs?!?

female to male is much more costly, running upwards of $80K
give you a sort of primer on it. Take lots of money!

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