Please Help?

How do gain wait 27 days 10 pounds to be exact. This boy say Im to skinny. I have set him for 2 years and he says he wont make a contribution me a chance because I dont hold that ''ghetto booty''
How do I get it because i enjoy grown to love him and I want him to give me a chance

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Padded underwear, babe-in-arms. Do NOT alter your body just to receive some worthless man (boy) happy. I know he's worthless because he won't distribute you a chance on the "credentials" you hold now. He's superficial and probably a loser to boot. Learn to love yourself and populace will love you. Booty or not.

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wow isn't he superficial....... girls asses are not made 2 be big I should know I use to have a complex roughly speaking my size.....

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Koli, please do not revise yourself for some boy. I get the summary that you are a teen - you are not going to be able to gain l0 pounds in the nouns you want to gain it in 27 days. In order to put on mass in your booty nouns you would have to do specific exercises related to that nouns of your body. Ask your mom if you can go to the local gym. Most will contribute you a free session with a personal trainer to get hold of you interested in joining the guy. Only a personal trainer can look at your body and tell you if it is possible to progress your shape. Sweetheart, this is a big mistake. For you to feel that you hold to change yourself for some boy is basically wrong. There is a wonderful young man out in attendance who will respect and love you just exactly as you are. I decision for you that you will reconsider but if you are determined try the gym -k-

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Oh I know I could gain 10 pounds easy within 27 days, eat lots of fried foods, quickly food, peanut butter, ice cream, I dream up I gained a pound thinking roughly speaking food!!

Seriously, you shouldn't have to regulation for anyone, if all he requirements you for is your body, he don't seem worth it.

Yasmin birth control and period.?

You don't. If he only requests you for that, he's not good adequate for you!! You deserve someone who wants you for you...not a physical part. Don't change yourself for someone else! Would you really want to know that that's the single reason he be with you? I hope not!

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If he doesn't resembling you for who you are now he doesn't deserve you. You should never try and correction yourself for anyone. He is not worth it. You are perfect the track tou are and if he can't see that then don't bother near him.

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if he doesnt similar to you the way you are girl, consequently he's not worth it. you shouldnt have to work yourself to capture him to love you!


tell him to fly kite

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