I expect she overreacted.....

Im 15 and my mom made an appointment to get my fuzz cut today, but when i woke up this morning and my period (not my first one) have started and my stomach was bloated and upset beside cramps. I can't really talk to my mom, so i couldn't describe her about how i be feeling. So she get really mad that i wasn't going and she took away pretty much adjectives my stuff, i can't watch tv, she's taking my door of it's hinge and she will probably think of more. Don't you deem she overreacted? What should i do about this?

The doc say my girlfriend needs more zinc in her diet, what could I possibly do to lend a hand?

Why couldn't you just enlighten her?

What else is going on?

What did you tell her when you didn't want to turn?

I can't say if she overreacted or not because you departed out a ton of details.

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tell her you started your time of year and you feel horrific =it's unfair really to both of you when things don't grasp explained

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You couldn't tell her you be feeling bleak? Why do I think you departed something out, or you aren't as innocent as you are pretending to be.


Sometimes parent's just do not take in..my mom was psyco similar to that when I was younger and I turned out fine despite her yell and making me want to kill myself...dangle in within..you are 18 in 3 years... you'll fashion it through...good luck..

EDIT: Thanks for the thumbs down everyone...you did not hold to live with my mother so please don't decide...

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lol wow.. yes she is for a time overreacting.. I mean it's freshly a hair cut. But I surmise you should just dance ahead and tell her why you don't want to turn.

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well why couldnt you tell her you dont touch well. if you guys arent speaking to respectively other, you should at least voice your tired or something. yes i do think shes overreacting.

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yes...but you have to assemble her in the middle.she is most imagined frustrated that you will not talk to her...she will be the one who will ALWAYS be within your corner not matter what...distribute it a try talk to her...agree to her in...that will be the greatest motherday offering you can give her...

Serious Question, & Girls solely?

She sounds like a crazy woman, my mom used to do that crap adjectives the time for no reason and worse. I am so glad I don't enjoy to deal next to that anymore. I agree with you. You should report to her how you fell anyway at least you can speak you tried. Hang in in attendance, you only get a few more years and you will be able to do what you want. Just humiliate her if she keeps on and on, it will blow over and she will perform like nil ever happened. If she's resembling mine used to be she won't even apologize or think she did anything wrong. That's how crazy culture think.

Progesterone Level?

Thats wat moms do overreact to things. You should try atleast too relay here what she doesnt want to hear I think you should also pass 3-4 days when my mom overreacts she has to keep on for her pride to die down
Does she know u came on your interval that day?

Peice of meat?

first of adjectives...yes i do think she over react over the situation...but i also think that you should own told her. She's ur mother and she would probibly have contained if you told her exactly what was wrong...

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I do focus she over reacted big time. I go through the same things and it carried on until i be 18 & i left home to move surrounded by with my bf. I am 26 in a minute & still don't really get on beside my mum.

The only push for i can give you is narrate her you are in cramp or better still go to the doctors by yourself and have a word to you GP about your symtoms

I don't regard as you need parent consent for a call on.

You will be ok i promise. Try and be strong hold it together & get your door back. She should not invade your privisy resembling that.

That is just man childish. Tell her fine take my belongings but if you steal away my priversey i will be reporting that to the GP and anyone else that the GP will have to relate.

This may sound difficult but your 15 not 5 teenagers need time and a place to be on their own

its a human right

Upper and lower vanished abdomal pain usually comes around time of extent but not cramps read inside?

it's kinda normal if teenagers can't communicate all right with their parents - at this age of yours. u can work things out if u afford in and try to be honest and communicate near your mom. tell her the truth but remember, use a low tones of voice n speak other to her. she'll understand. btw, she's your mom - the one who give birth to u. it should be that no one can realize us better than our mom. is she upset about anything else that she react that way? u might not be the grounds of her 'over-reacted' behaviour.. believe me, your relationship next to your mom will get better when u acquire older, single if u put some efforts contained by it. family is the most big thing n never can be replaced. lately endure it patiently and try discussion to your mom. no mothers want bad things for their children when they've already endure 9 months of suffering carrying us in their womb. appreciate your mom more when she's still around or u'll regret it later.

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your mom react over that? she's way within over her head.

How to verbs down there??

That is a great overreaction. But its also moderately your fault. You should relate her. Remember she is the one and only mom you enjoy. She cares nearly you no matter how much you reckon she doesnt. So you should talk to her.
You'll be surprised around how much she can tell you and how much she will deduce

Im 17 and i have have lower back cramp now for almost a year anyone know what it could be?

Sounds similar to there's more going on than you've mentioned.

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