Help Urgent PLZ Girls single Answer This!?!?!!?!?

I am 13 I haven't got my spell yet but the cross-examine is what is this gooey whiteish stuff coming out of my vagina? and when it gets dry it is rugged and turns to a yellowish color sticks to my underwear but it gets bad washing it but i am worryed it could be my time of year just i am not run of the mill or that i am not getti8ng my period ever what is it and what does it tight?

Decreased Sexual Desire at 23?

oook...first off, its not ur time, its normal, dont be startled and its probably not a yeast infection. it is called vaginal discharge and it manner uve started pueberty, if u can remember when u started getting it, that basically tell you that you will get ur time of year a year from when u started.srry if that doest make sense, but ur lucky that you havnt gotten ur time of year yet

when u get ur spell, right before its roughly to start each month, the discharge get heavier as a warning, and panty liner help near this so you dont feel close to u peed in ur pants

its completely unconscious and everyone gets it, and its inbred for it to smell a little bit, but if the odor get unmanagable you might want to get it checked out by a parent or doctor b/c in that is a slight chance it is a yeast infection, but thats impressively unlikely

your probably going to your period soon so dont worry
hope i helpedd

Can you still hold intercourse even when the baby's chief is low at ninth month?

i get that too i am turning thirteen in ten days but i imagine it is just discharge.

Alternative for sex?

yeast infection

Do you necessitate to shave your legs or pits soon?

It's just vaginal discharge. You're fine.

When u enjoy sex and little white ball similar to things come oue and its not is there somthing wrong>? discharge...not time..but most of the time it means your length is coming..

I need some assistance i lost my viginity and i keep bleeding?

You are's discharge and it's usual unless your vagina smells and you begin to itch. Wear pantyliners so you don't achieve it on your to your mom

Period that won't stop!?

its call discharge it means you should be getting your spell anytime now.

Is my voice going to evolution?

Normal, welcome to woman hood

What is the ob/gyn? i am 16?

U r commonplace. Stop worrying, it's just discharge. It mechanism your body has begin to ovulate. Just wear a panty liner if it bothers u or stains your undies. It might be a sign that u will get your interval soon. Congrats u r slowly making your way to your first interval

I've heard that have sex for the first time is extremely painful for girls. Is this true?

It is middle-of-the-road vaginal discharge for a girl entering puberty.

How long are your breasts supposed to be numb after breast augmentation?

First... stop worring! THis is comopletely natural. All it is, is the white blood cell in your-you-know-what coming out of the body to prepare you for your interval. You will have this for in the order of a year-six months and then you'll catch your period.
To stay comfertable I'd suggest wearing for a while pad!

Could i die if i didnt chomp through while being pregnant?

I have that for 3 years
then get my ...
and it is still there
it is not in recent times you hun say contained by there

I dont know if I enjoy had a miscarriage..?

It's unconscious discharge. It might get a moment or two heavier right before you start your term. If it starts to bother you having "wet" undies, receive thin pantie liner.

I'm a 23 year old feminine and I'm losing my hair. Help?!?

are you wearing tight jeans or underwear?
Does it hold an odor?
have you used a different soap or tissue lately?
Have you used any different medications lately?

If so, this sounds approaching a yeast infection. (or a minor bacterial infection and a yeast infection is not the same as a bacterial infection unless you are have sex you shouldn't have a bacterial infection) You may not be getting satisfactory air down nearby. . Go to the doc since this is your first one, and they will help you. Dont bring back anything over the counter just but, go to the doc first.

Its zilch nasty, and nil to be ashamed. I dont know of any woman that hasn't ever had one!

I own been have nauseas cravings but im on my mentruation?

if i remember correctly, my Dr.(when I was young) told me that it be just a mucus and it could be the start of your interval. but I would suggest that you see your Dr. and he or she will be able to answer your request for information much better.

How do i cope?

dont worry give or take a few the white stuff coming from your vagina, your body is changing you are shifting from a child into a woman. the white stuff happens to adjectives women , it is not your period although im picking it wont be long up to that time they start. Good luck

Need feed final on Breast augmentation?

its discharge..thats what happenes when u are ovulating. u should get your spell soon

What are the symptoms..?

don't worry
it probably just way your getting close to getting your period

What does it scrounging when you smell real desperate down there no business how much you wash?

It's run of the mill vaginal discharge - it's your vagina's way of keeping itself verbs. The fact that you enjoy started getting discharge like that method that it isn't going to be much longer before you starte getting your interval. It's nothing to verbs about unless you procure really itchy down there, or it smells impossible - then you should recount your mum and go see a doctor. Get to know what your everyday discharge is like, that style you'll be able to recognise any change that can mean something is wrong.

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