I have a boyfriend problem am i doing the right entry?

me and my boyfriend have be dating for almost 9 months. && he is drinking and doing drugs. hes not an addict but he is doing weed and drinking occasonally. i pretend not to assistance but inside i care alot what should i do?

This week i own been really sick have bad dreams and wake up hot and nauseus in the middle of the darkness?

Take it from someone who married that boyfriend - run ! You cannot stop him. He has to want to stop on his own. You will never own a healthy or protected future beside someone with such traditions. And there is other the chance of you individual with him when his luck runs out and you will jump down with him or worse. Please be smart !

I am 25years frail man.my breast size so heavy & dr.say wear bra harmonice change.this is impracticable.suggest?

Dump him.

You don't need an alcoholic druggie for a boyfriend.

I am a girl, but I'm really elevated. I feel resembling everyone looks at me like I'm a freak. give a hand?

theres not much you can do. if he wants to quit, next he has craft the first move, but i will tell you 1 entity, if hes doing drugs, then it will take worse.why dont you ask a person who deal in this sort of item, maybe they would enjoy the answers your looking for.if he refuses to quit, later say to him, its any the drugs and drinking or me. maybe that will attain him moving to quit.

My Hair Loss?

Hi. You should probably talk to him give or take a few it. If he is doing drugs, whether he is addicted or not, it never turns out good. Drugs purely lead to problems. Just try to verbalize to him about it. Tell him how you consistency about the drinking and drugs.

I am married,but still a virgin.?

Try to capture rid of this guy, i know how hard this could be for you but you're contained by time, even if you think you are contained by love, this guy can make you completely UNHAPPY, believe me the best thing you can do is draw from away.

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People can give you profoundly of advice or receive suggestions, but ultimately the decision is yours. I own pretty strong feelings in the region of what I think you should do. Even though it would be quicker and easier, I'm not going to relate you which decision you should breed. Instead, I want to offer some things for you to devise about and hypothesis for arriving at a decision that you can live beside.

First of all, you do not know if he is addicted or not. Addicts can be worthy at hiding their addictions from the population around them. In fact, tons of them do not even realize that they have an addiction themselves. Evaluation on whether an addiction exists cannot be solely base on observation of amount or frequency.

You are also not being event to your bf or yourself by keeping it inside of you. When you tell him that it doesn't bother you, you are lying. In the long run, it will fence in up with you. It may give the impression of being like for a time thing presently, but in time you may expect differently. It's not uncommon for associates in like peas in a pod situation to begin sense resentment for themselves or for their partner when they are not open and honest almost how they really feel.

Open communication is the switch to healthy relationships. You are better rotten telling him how you truly discern and discussing it with him. If you cannot discuss something approaching this with him, likelihood are your relationship will suffer in other ways within the future.

I dated a man who drank and occasionally used marijuana. The drinking didn't bother me, but the drug use did. From the inauguration I told him how I felt something like it, but I did not tell him that he have to stop. He respected my feelings something like it and promised not to use when he was around me. I wasn't thrilled just about that because I still worried, and I told him so. I acknowledged that ultimately it was his ruling and that if it continued to bother me I would have to cause my own choices about our relationship.

We disappeared the conversation there, and he never once used within front of me, even when his friends pushed him to. During the year that we dated, he told me about the times when he have the opportunity to use and didn't as well as the time that he did. I didn't achieve angry, but I did tell him that I be disappointed. He told me he knew that I would be, but he feel the need to be honest near me anyway.

I had be a little stressed about relating him how I felt contained by the beginning because I really like him a lot. In the terminate, it strengthened our relationship and we respected each other for the enlarge and honest communication.

Your discussion may not solve anything, and it might not go the approach you hope it will. I realize that a thousand people could own the same conversation and own a thousand different results. I know that I was fortunate within my situation. There have be other times in my time when I was forced to choose. The bottom smudge is, you can only revise yourself and the way you counter to other people. You cannot breed him change or endow with him ultimatums. It has to be his judgment, and he needs to spawn that decision for himself, not merely for you. If he doesn't, it won't last.

You necessitate to think things through earlier you start a conversation about it. Decide what is suitable and what is not before the conversation clouds your true vibrations. You don't have to share these decision during the conversation, but it will be easier for you to make your final outcome if you've thought about this beforehand. If you don't, you run the risk of giving in merely to stay with him or save him happy. What I would do first is ask yourself some question. How strong are your feelings nearly his use of substances? How do you really feel something like him? Do you see an opening for compromise? What will you do when you discuss it and he chooses to use anyway? Are you ready to risk the chance that he will terminate the relationship over the issue?

I'll leave you next to one more thought. If he really care for you, and you tell him how strongly you perceive, he will work with you to find a solution you can both live near. If he's not willing to listen to you at adjectives, chances are that your relationship will not survive surrounded by the long run (at least not a hearty relationship). If you can't come to a consensus, you will have a difficult choice to construct for yourself. You deserve to be in a relationship where on earth you feel beaming and comfortable. For that to happen, you own to be able to be honest beside yourself and your partner.

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