Girls personal request for information?

periods.annoying?wut do u think i parsimonious they come on and off shifting pads every second! its a distress!

Cramps in arts school ? ? ?

We have period so we can have babies. I hold two wonderful children, and it was worth putting up near periods.
I go into menopause at age 50. I don't miss having period at all, but what are you going to do? From my perspective (grandma age), it be just a few years of my natural life. And it's one of the great things about getting elder!
Since you can't get rid of them, swot up to live with them the best you can. And look forward to getting elder!

Are girls supposed to shave their private area?

tampons are much better and smaller number messy. you should try them. pads are greatly annoying i agree.. thats why i stick with tampons. i usually hold it in for 4-5 hours. which is much longer than a wipe.

The Pill and antibiotics?!?!?

Hate periods hatred pads though it is true that tampons are better

My length randomly comes on different days?

i use tampons a touch annoying at times yes but not really i use tampons instead of pads so i dont hold to deal near changing pad all the time and i resembling tampons better

Has anyone has a problem beside Ortho Tri-Cyclen?

I rather would hold it than to not have it. That is what make us women. It is only for a few days and you sense cleaner and healthy afterward.

I a short time ago had unprotected sex today is nearby a good randomness i got pregnant?

There are other option other than Tampons that most women hold never heard of. I'm a personal admirer of "Instead". Instead is a diaphragm like cup i.e. inserted into the vagina and holds the menses until you use the restroom then the cup is empty out. You cannot feel it similar to you can the tampon and sometimes I forget that I'm on my period. Check it out at the site below. Try it, I know you will resembling it. If you do, spread the word and tell adjectives of your friends too.

Good Luck girlfriend.

Do gynecologists/obstetricians have to swot up how to perform an abortion in the past they can open a practice?

Yes, period are annoying. I'm 18 and have have my period for 7 or 8 years.. so you would mull over that I'd be used to it.. but I'm not. I can't think of any advantages of human being a women except it doesn't hurt when being kicked surrounded by the crotch.. Ugh.

Cramps are Killing me..?

As a healthcare provider we now hold birthcontrol pills that allow you to have a interval every three months. They are safe (barring a few other healthcare problems). Ask your healthcare provider.

How do i find estrogen over the internet for transgenders?

I hear ya. I am immediately perimenapausal and it actually get worse! You don't know when you will get it. (Months? Weeks? Days? Never again?) When you do, it is 10 times heavier. And don't forget the bloating, fatigue, and moodiness.

Yes, I relish being a girl! NOT!

Is This A Unirary Tract Infection?HELP?!?

Somewhere up in attendance, one woman talked give or take a few the diaphram cup. Good idea. Except that beside those, you have to hold on to buying them.

Go to and read about the Diva Cup. Yes, it is thoughtful of expensive, BUT the thing next to the cup is, that you never have to throw it out or buy a alien one until you're either 35 or you own a baby. And it's small, simple to use, you don't quality it, and it's not messy.

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