Post Natal Depression - Life afterwards....?

Hi I had post natal depression 6 yrs ago after the birth of my 2nd child.
I am completely cured presently but every now and again i bring myself down and feel a bit low and really hold to fight to verbs myself back out of it.
Its never as unpromising as when i had PND.
But is this conventional... can i expect to get this for the rest of my time?
Its funny but before the PND i can not ever remember attitude down!! Obviously I was in tears if bad things happen etc but i would never say I feel low.

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I really would similar to to tell you that you will never suffer again! I've have PND with adjectives 3 of my children [oldest 12 youngest 17 months]. I still have "patches" approaching you. Unfortunately, all the research I hold done suggests it's a lifelong thing we hold to live with. At least possible forewarned is forearmed as they say. My mother also have PND with her 2 children and I'm afraid still feel "the cloud" coming on sometimes [age 60]. My advice is to breed sure you take thinking of yourself - have plenty of 'me' time. Ask for abet. Get as much time out/relaxation as possible and don't be afraid to talk to a strength professional. Good Luck!

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i think that once u hold depression of any type, it does make u more prone to further problems near it later on surrounded by your life. i've suffered from both depression cause by stress, and post natal depression. it took me about 2 years to return with myself back to 'run of the mill' after giving birth to my son, but even now, 4 years after have him, i still have my sour days where i surface weepy and and down about things. things that enjoy helped me are :

- speaking to ancestors online. u get to converse to people who've experienced similar problems, and who u don't enjoy to talk to face-to-face.

- getting some exercise. i'm not one who enjoy exercise just for the 'fun' of it, but i've found that i get the impression better for getting out for a walk every year. exercise is a good inborn way of trouncing depression and stress.

- get a hobby. i find it impossible to concentrate on tv programs since have depression - my mind tends to journey. but i've found that i can concentrate ok when i do things like artwork or jewelry making. it help take your mind stale the problems in your energy.

- if u get any worse, see a doctor. within is no shame to admitting that u necessitate a little give support to. they might also refer u to a counsellor. sometimes it helps to chitchat to someone like that, although i've found that conversation online is just as impressive.

good luck hon. purely try to remember - when u are having a unpromising day that that's exactly what it is - a discouraging day. u will own plenty of good days, and things commonly look better after having a well-mannered cry / sleep.

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