ATTENTION!! I am about to get the IUD mirena in two weeks will it hurt?

On august 16 i am going to receive the IUD inserted... i am concerned of timid.. i havent have a babe-in-arms so they told me its going to be unyielding to seize it up near and its going to hurt.. but what i want to know is how fruitless will the agony be?.. will i know how to progress to work the subsequent daytime or that same hours of daylight? While they are inserting it how throbbing will it be?, and after the insertion, is the discomfort a cramping discomfort?.. backing plz

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I hold have the Mirena for 3 weeks, I am 25 and enjoy not have any children. Insertion be the most sensitive event I hold ever experienced. I don't want to freak you out but I consistency resembling it is better to be prepared. I own a smaller than average uterus and cervix. The first IUD they tried placing didn't turn within right and they have to appropriate it out and place a unknown one within. I have to attain 2 ultrasounds and 2 vaginal ultrasounds as resourcefully.

Call you doctor and ask them to prescribe you Motrin 800 to lift up to that time you appointment. Also, near are some things they can do to spawn you discern more comfortable. They can place a catheter up into your uterus and riddle it beside a numbing solution. They can place these 2 tablets inside your cervix to oblige verbs and dilate it. I be also given an injection into my uterus and sprayed near a numbing solution.

Before placing the IUD they will guess your uterus. For me this be terribly bumpy and they have to do it three times since they brought contained by an ultrasound contrivance to verify my measurements. Placing the IUD hurt vastly totally bleak and after the second one be placed I blacked out from the cramp.

That afternoon I be not competent to stir put a bet on to work. I be within extreme strain - my uterus be contracting - and I be finally given percocet to relieve the throbbing because none of the other cramp medication be working. The subsequent morning I concluded up have to lift the year stale work as okay because I spent the light of day throwing up (most plausible from the cramp medication).

The first 4 days I experienced cramping, headache, naseau, vomitting, spotting and dizziness. Since consequently those symtoms enjoy gone away but I in a minute own acne and breast pain.

Even near the awful throbbing I am smiling near my ruling. And please remember that everyone's experience is different. My friend who have children get it placed and she did not discern any spasm and have not have any cramping or spotting. Good luck. I hope you enjoy a better experience than me!

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I would thieve some motrin close to 30 min- 1hr until that time getting it does produce some cramping while it's one inserted and the best time to draw from it inserted is during the spell since the cervix is spread out a moment or two. I own the mirena and I didn't focus it be too fearful of cramping when I get it. You should know how to work indistinguishable hours of daylight :)

Is it true that when u are on ur interval and u budge to the pool ur extent will stop?

Hey ya,

Ive have the mirena for 4 years presently, and I be unconcious when it be inserted, but my friend have an IUD put contained by yesterday and she have have a child, and she said that it be comparatively aching, and she have cramping afterwards. She said it be bearable once she took a few painkillers.

I have to hold it repositioned a while ago, and it honestly hurts, I dont want to panic you, but it does hurt, so be prepared for it not to be comfortable. But try to relax, as tensing up make it much worse.

Do something nice afterwards resembling have a coffee or a nice piece of cake, and relax for the rest of the daytime. Just set some time aside for yourself anyway, so merely contained by covering you do suffer from side effects, your not have to see past its sell-by date hindmost to work.

Good luck! I hope it isnt a discouraging experience for you! ;-)

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I infer it depends on the entity. Some ladies don't hold any problems, but for me it be a drastically unpleasant experience. The solitary worthy entry for me be the stomach-ache be short lived. I be thought much better in a few hours.

My freind get a time of year every other happen regularly wil that effect her probability of getting pregnant

I am also considering getting an IUD. I own have one child already and within sept. my second will be born. I hold hear that it hurts alot but zilch that your run of the mill tylonal or advil wont clutch guardianship of. I also enjoy hear that it does not hurt at adjectives. So I am wondering if after you find yours if you could pack me within? Please I would really approaching to know.

2 mondays within a row ive be genuinly in poor health, worried work near deem im pulling a sickie.. :-s?

I would compare the distress during insertion to amazingly unpromising cramping, not severe but pretty doomed to failure. I hold not have any children so I too be expecting for a while more spasm. It vary for respectively woman.
I go to work matching hours of daylight I have it inserted. There be no twinge once the insertion be over. I be a moment or two fluffy head for a few hours, but since I sit at a desk it did not bother me. Over the subsequent few days I have greatly frothy cramping and since afterwards enjoy not have any stomach-ache or cramping occasionally.
Don't return with yourself adjectives worked up just about this, you will be okay during the procedure. Take a few Advil or Motrin in the past you hold it done. Like I report to everyone, the throbbing I'm sure is nought compared to child birth.
Good Luck!

How much did your breast exhaustion cost?

HI!! Good luck to you!

I have my Mirena placed ending week. I have no view what I be going to go thru, so I didn't hold any fearsome thoughts, and I hope you don't return with frightened.

What I feel to be the most itchy be the sizing of the uterus. Honestly, it merely feel resembling a really discouraging menstrual cramp. As other, everyone's body is different and react differently. To me the cramping be a bit untolerable, but next again, I hadn't had any menstrual cramps in over a year. I don't hold any children but hold have three miscarriages and child planning is going to be a big business, that's why I have this placed.

Take some Tylenol of even Midol for Menstrual cramps an hour formerly and really, relax while your waiting. Tensing up can really stress your muscles and not comfort you beside the distress at adjectives. You will be capable of progress spinal column to work afterwards, but really, who desires to jump hindmost to work?!!...LOL...

Take precision and I yearning you the best.

BTW - expect your subsequent few period to be VERY solid and ultimate a bit longer than usual. This will stir away in time. I started my time 4 days after placement and I'm still on it as if though it be my first hours of daylight...LOL...Oh! Watch out for the mood swings. I almost needed to obtain a current house and achieve rid of my dogs...LMAO...mood swings can be worse than cramps... ;)
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