No time surrounded by a really long time ??

the last time i had my time was in april. im starting to go and get a little worried about this. im solitary 13 , but i started when i was 12 and everything was going fine until immediately. what could be the reason for this?

Answers:    hormonal imbalance ,.
You are legally young, and it can take a few years for your period to become completely regular (I've been having them for 5 years, and they're still sometimes irregular!)
It could also own something to do with your diet; if you're too under, or overweight, this can also hold an effect on your periods.
Stress is another factor, although not as likely.
If the problem really worries you or it carry on for another few months, then I would recommend going to your GP about it, as here could be an underlying problem.
You could of course also be pregnant, but as you'd have a pretty evident bump by now, and you're only 13, I drastically much doubt this is the case. :).
your periods own only just started and will whip time to enter a regular cycle. if you are really worried, perhaps you can visit yoyr doctor who conceivably able to advice you better.

my period started when i was 12, and now i'm 19 contained by 2 months but they still haven't entered a regular cycle- some days they are early and some days they are past due.

but at the end of the day don't verbs, it will settle down in the end..
because your still really young at heart i wouldn't worry your first few years can be very chance and hard to regulate and can be quite unpredictable from personal experience when i be the same age as you i gave up on trying to skulk until the end of the month when i should come because it can be quite changeable don't worry if it doesn't come in a few week which i surmise it will, tell someone and they will take you to the doctor i don't consider it will go that far though! sometimes they can take a while to sort themselves out. as you're still pretty young i'm going to assume you're not sexually active (please don't pilfer offence if you are) so it;s probably down to hormones, diet or something like stress. aslo, the more you stress in the order of not having your period, the smaller number likely it is to come. .
Well when you first start getting your period it unanimously takes a while for your body to adjust. You may skip a month or two, it may come early, it may come unpaid, it may be really heavy or really light.
In amalgamation to that other things can affect it too. The body will stop itself from having it's period if it is not within the condition to be having a baby. If you are a extraordinarily active athlete then the body may stop it's extent. This is very common beside gymnasts. If your body doesn't have enough body round then it will also stop it's period. Your diet an stress stratum can play a roll too. I am not aware of whether or not you are sexually active but if you are then pregnancy is a possibility.
Since it have been more than a month or two I suggest that you speak to a doctor to make sure that everything is alright. It could be zilch at all or it might be something that may need treatment.

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