Can you relief please?

I had sex next to this boy and he had a condom on and everything it happend just about a week ago...after like a daylight or so i had sex i started getting cramps and white discharge could i be preagent? this friday i should be getting my peroid am i preagent?

Help near stretch marks?

Those do not nouns like signs of pregnancy to me. Perhaps you get an STD- did he wear the condom for the entire act of intercourse? Wait until your length is due or a day after and next do a pregnancy test to reassure yourself. If the discharge continues you do have need of to be seen for STD trialling.

My periodi wanna cry!!?

White discharge is okay as long as it doesn't have a smell. Take a examination if you miss your period.

Weird vagina?!?

No. Its possible you were ovulating when you have the cramps and the discharge. I doubt you are pregnant.

I do have three areas on my not here side though that show to be cysts!?

Hmmmmmmm i smell a retard . do you not have sex ed within your schools, or be you too busy sucking * to listen? If you dont know the answer to this, theres no way you should be have sex .. how old are you anyway? 12?

Are girls supposed to shave the pubic nouns?

there is no way to report its to early continue a few weeks and take a tryout

Pre Menstrual Tension.?

If this was your first time and you are getting close to your extent, I would not worry nearly it. You could have be ovulating at the same time, so I would regard it is normal. Good luck....

Yeast infection?

you might enjoy a yeast infection. cramps can be caused by abundant things. doubt if you are preg if he used a condom and you run a normal 28-30 spell cycle. being anxious nearly the possibility of being preg can clear your period overdue. if you don't get it contained by a couple days, do a pee test next go see a doc. glad you did use a condom. boys and condoms stir good together.

I own had heartburn for yesteryear three days!!?

It sounds like a UTI (urinary track infection). Need to drink profoundly of water and cranberry liquid. Think about using condoms that are non-lubricated and hold no spermicide. Use water base lubricants and unrinate RIGHT after sex. It expells most of the toxins that cause UTI's.

I not long had my right ovary removed..I'm one and only 19. Lately I've been have really bad cramps next to my period

ok this is the 20th question on your pregnancy contained by 4 weeks... Do you have severe short-term memory loss or are you an attention whore?

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