I had symptoms of urine infection some days up to that time?

i had a itching problem in vigina & glow.frequent urination also.i did tests at my doctor but adjectives tests come normal.though my doctor give me cream to put.but if ut was not infection after why was it occurring? do u know ? doctor said it might be becos of sex & i sleep for 20 to 30 min after sex as we r trying for baby,but my doctor said ,i dont have need of to lie down after sex,she said i should urinate after sex,if i dont consequently such infections happens.what u adjectives think?

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If your doctor who examined you, said nought is wrong, than it must be true. Either you trust your doctor or you don't and then you progress your doctor. You need not to recline down after sex as your doctor said but urinate, that might help avoiding bladder infection. If your itching continues any your vagina is too dry or if you also get a colored discharge, it might be some infection. But, as I said, you stipulation to trust your doctor or go to a latest one.

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