Can I own a hystorectomy?

I want to have everything taken out. I'm 23 and enjoy no kids. Can I do this? I mean, WILL a doctor do it?

Please general public, no preaching about my age and oh I might alter my mind... I just want to know if it CAN be done.

Just contained by case it differs state to state... I'm within Cali.

Birth Control Pills?

It is possible in the strictest since of answering your press. But if you don't have a lawful reason to own it done, no reputable doctor will do it. And it is a VERY painful seizure.

Is it normal to hold vaginal discharge on a regular basis?

I guess you can do it if you want, lately so that u know that u will have no horomones and u can not gain wet nturally when u enjoy sex.

Dont wanna sounds anorexic, just wondering.?

you are going to hold a difficult time finding a doctor to do it without a legal reason. its not a perfect idea,you will enjoy numerous physical problems and also it affects you mentally. even 50 yr old women who do enjoy to have one basis of medical problems are affected psychologically by it. why would you want to do it?? thats so stupid.

Period and altitude?

No, they probably won't even tie your tubes at this age tolerate alone an elective hysterectomy. Besides, having everything taken out would potentially throw you into rash menopause and cause a slew of other problems. It's not preaching. I want my tubes tied or my uterus ripped out (of course that second one is not happening), but since I'm around your age and no kids I can't get hold of it done, but my husband to be on the other hand who is solely 2 years older than me and also have no children, has no problem getting a vesectomy. No doctor say to him, "I can't do this you might change your mind. Wait a few more years." Ah in good health, at least one of us will be sterilised those sexist assholes! Good luck near what ever you're trying to do.

What does an orgasm feel similar to? And how do you know when your having one?

Most doctors won't do a hysterectomy on someone your age unless at hand is some medical problem that requires it.
Keep asking Gyn surgeons until you find one who will do it.

I tried with my doctor when I be in my belated 30s (I'm 44 now) because I can't have kids, so why preserve the thing. She refuse. I understand what you're going through.
I'm going through Perimenopause presently and having problems so I may ask my Gyn again soon.

I longing you well and hope you succeed.

Its my first time..?

I wasn't competent to find anything specifically about CA state imperative, but I did find this...

"Before your operation, you will be asked to sign a document giving your "informed consent" to the operation. This form lets you know any risks or possible complications that can be cause by the surgical procedure. Some states have specific law that pertain to hysterectomies. These laws require surgeons to explain the alternatives and the risks of the procedure and are intended to gross sure you understand the potential after-effects of the operation."

Ovarian cancer beside out a uterus?

Not a good view at that young age. Unless you hold a high accident of cancer in your reproductive organs, I can't think about you finding a doctor that will do it. You need your ovaries for the hormones. I know of a woman who have to have a complete hysterectomy when she be in her 30's. Now that she is contained by her 60's, I can't even begin to update you how much trouble she has have - - - bones break easily, she have had 4 hip replacements. I don't see how she survives sometimes near all the problems. Her sister said it be because she had a hysterectomy when she be younger and then didn't bear hormones.

Breast Sonograms?

If you are going to pay currency out of your pocket, then you might be capable of find a doctor to do this for you although I would consider it unethical. If you are wanting insurance to foot the bill, your doctor is going to enjoy to justify the surgery for a medical rationale, elective will most likely be denied by the insurance company.

How long does it run to feel common after stopping caffeine?

Yes i think that you can but earlier you do just net sure that you really want that done and if so go for it. That finances also no more periods also.

Blood check to check for low progesterone levels on disc 22?

if you do, you will get post tubal ligation syndrome (you acquire it after a tubal ligation, but get like peas in a pod thing after hysterectomy, too) and you will want to die. if disappearance suits you, go for it. you can probably find a doctor in a third world country to do it. possibly. one thing you should focus about (because i didn't, and consistency stupid), you cannot disrrupt what god made and expect it to not have consequences.

Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome (PTLS) aka PTS is associated with:

Castrative Menopause
Severe Hormone Imbalance
Ovarian Isolation (Post Hysterectomy, Post Tubal Ligation)
Atrophic Ovaries
Increased Risk of Heart Disease
Bone Loss and Osteoporosis
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB)
Severe Pelvic Adhesions
Misplacement of Female Organs
Decreased Lactating Ability



1. Eptopic pregnancy or pregnancy (well specified risk of tubals)

2. Hot flashes, flushes, night sweats and/or cold flashes,
clammy outlook, chills

3. Bouts of rapid heart belt

4. Irritability

5. Mood swings, sudden tears

6. Trouble sleeping through the night (with or minus night sweats)

7. Irregular period; shorter, lighter periods; heavier period, flooding;
phantom periods, shorter cycles, longer cycles

8. Loss of libido

9. Dry vagina

10. Itchy vagina-at time natural like, can radiate from whole nouns, with
absence of yeast infections.

11. Color relocate in vaginal nouns. (color gets dark -darker red to purple)

12. Crashing fatigue - Chronic Fatigue

13. Anxiety, feeling bad at ease

14. Feelings of dread, apprehension, doom

15. Difficulty concentrating, disorientation, mental confusion

16. Disturbing memory lapse

17. Incontinence, especially upon sneezing, laughing; urge incontinence

18. Prolapse of uterus do to rapid grow less in estrogen level.

19. Itchy, crawly skin

20. Aching, sore joints, muscles and tendons

21. Increased tautness in muscles

22. Breast discomfort

23. Decrease in breast mass

24. Headache swing: increase or decrease

25. Gastrointestinal distress, indigestion, flatulence, gas anguish, nausea
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

26. Sudden bouts of bloat

27. Depression

28. Exacerbation of existing conditions

29. Allergies developing or increasing - (Chronic sinusitis).

30 Nasal infections-necessitating antibiotics

31. Weight gain

32. Hair loss or thinning, head, pubic, or total body; increase in facial hair

33. Dizziness, nouns, episodes of loss of balance

34. Changes contained by body odor

35. Electric shock or stabbing sensation under the skin.

36. Tingling in the extremities,

37. Gum problems, increased bleeding

38. Burning tongue, burning roof of mouth, doomed to failure taste contained by mouth, change in
breath odor

39. Osteoporosis (after several years )

40. Changes in fingernails: softer, crack or break easier

41. Stabbing pains in pelvic nouns at time of ovulation

42. Pelvic Pain

43. Development of Adenomyosis

44. Development of Ovarian/Tubal Cysts

45. Decreased Lactation Ability

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