What can a hormonal disorder produce on an 18 yr. old womanly?


Stretch marks?

Mood swings / PMS
Tender breasts
Sleep disturbances
Fibrocystic breasts
Uterine fibroids
Weight gain
Menstrual changes
Cystic ovaries
Sugar cravings
Elevated triglycerides
Decreased libido
Low body temperature
Hot flashes
Night sweats
Vaginal dryness
Fuzzy thinking
Memory problems
Heart palpitations

Birth control interrogate?

depends which hormone is involved. And also if its high or low.

Why do I achieve my period a time or so AFTER I masturbate with a big orgasm?

just that she might want to enjoy sex

Why is that..?

Girly life can raison d`??tre a hormonal disorder is an 18 year old. However, it's not unusual for woman to experience this, depending on what type of disorder you have. PCOS is usually the principal cause for it. There are closely of on line information around PCOS and you can take the quiz to see if you trickle into the PCOS category. But, anything can cause a hormonal inequity.

I'm going through the Menopause?

Mood can chamge, the weight to. The skin, can apear thorns. You can swet closely, hair droop or spike can grow al over your body, Etc. Try to talk to a doctor.

UTI and bleeding.?

well it depends. I own a disorder to where I can't own a period unless I clutch a hormone. If I don't take the med I don't own a period. If I don't enjoy a period I am possible to develop cervical Cancer or HPV which can cause cervical cancer. If you own a Hormonal disorder you need to reach a deal to an OB/GYN

Is there a course which can i can tel by looking at a women breast or any part of the body if she have given birth

That depends on what 'hormone' is 'disordered' ... you really need to see a doctor and listen ONLY to what the doctor tell you or tells you to read.

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