Any channel to lighten my period?

I'm 16, and my periods are really hard to digest for the first couple of days. I also get deeply of pressure "down there". Is there any way (other than birth control, I don't want to ask my Mom to put me on the pill because of what she might reason I want it for) that I can make my period lighter? Someone told me to take 2 advil the light of day before my time of year starts, but I don't know if she knows what she's chitchat about. Any proposal will help. THANKS!!

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Oh kid! Never ever take Advil, Advil have aspirin and aspirin thins the blood thus increases the flow. SO DON'T TAKE IT! I have the exact same problem, what I do is stay away from cheeses, sodas, and lots of fats/sugars. I mostly devour greens and lean meats and adjectives I drink is water. It decrease the flow and will also loosen that tight feeling. Also, as gross at this may nouns, to loosen cramps and tightness, if you masturbate it helps loads.
Good luck.
P.s if you excercise alot, that also help because you'll lose weight which also help lighten the flow and give you less cramps. Also the pill can basis blood clots which are very terminal and can harm you. If you've ever have a blood clot, no matter how minimal stay away from birth control until you've talk to a GOOD gyno and has prior practice about such situations.

Please facilitate me I'm desperate!?

Well the Advil will help near the pain and cramping, but it won't build it lighter.

I understand your suspicion of the stigma of being on birth control, but the truth is lots of abstinent teens are on some form of birth control for nouns from painful and beefy periods.

I'd suggest asking your mom to lug you to a Gynecologists, and having the discussion of treatment option between you , your mom, and your doc all together.

pious luck.

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I've never hear about advil and i'd be ready to bet that most home remedies aren't worthwhile. This is probably just how you work.
Talk to your mom! Don't come out and ask for birth control but relate her what's happening and ask if you can progress see her Gyno to see if there is anything he/she can do for you.

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try to not eat abundantly of sugary foods...and stay away from carbs...about one to two slices of bread is the restriction...i had indistinguishable problem, and i cut down on my sugar and carb intakes, and it also help with reducing cramps.

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That is of late the way the womanly body works, some times it varies on how beefy you get it. The individual thing that the Advil will do is give a hand with cramping. And you should never be be shy to ask your mom question like that. People some times pilfer Birth control for acne and To REGULATE their period. But sweetheart your body is childish and you just enjoy to let it stir threw its process.

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