Chances of getting a girl pregnant during extent.?

I had sex beside my girlfriend during her period and she told me their is no opening of her getting pregnant during her period. She also told me she have sex with her ex-husband when they be married 5 times a day for 6 years and she never get pregnant!

I have have unprotected sex several times now next to her while she is having her spell. Her past husband be muslim and didn't think it be clean, but I don't mind for a time blood. I really didn't notice it. She really required sex during her period and told me she can't find pregnant during her period is this true?

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Depends on her cycles. If she's fairly regular (28 morning cycle) then she's most fertile 13-15 days AFTER the first day of her time of year. Therefore, if she were to own long periods, it would be exceptionally possible for her to get pregnant during a extent. There is only roughly a 3-5 day pane each month that a woman is fertile.
If she be having sex 5 times a afternoon, that alone could nix the chances of a mannish being competent to produce sperm that would make the trip.

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only if its the begining of her term because thats when shes most fertile if she told you otherwise she is just using you for the tap bang

I enjoy missed two periods, hpt refusal and I get the menstrual symptoms both months, what could it be?

you can still go and get pregnant on your period. use protection EVERY time unless your looking forward to for a while bundle of joy.

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She actually can bring back pegnant during her period! Whilst a woman is bleeding, she could certainly be releasing another egg and so when you guys have sex in that is a chance. Hope this help xXx

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Of course she could bring pregnant! Any unprotected sex can get someone pregnant. Everything is possible that's why it's only best not to risk it.

Sort of gross!!?

It can happen but I've doe it thousands of time on differant women and they never get any babys walking around

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Flase, same chances as if the woman didn't hold her period. Maybe she get lucky or it's just that it is complicated for her to get pregnant. I know a mentor that had to try so abundant times to get pregnant and enjoy a child. Many girls and woman assume that having your time of year during the moment of having sex will result within not getting pregnant but it's completely false.

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