URGENT! - Swimming on your spell...?

Im going swimming in 2 days and its the first time since i started my periods - simply how it landed - started a while ago!
Im not sure what to do, i dont want to be embarresed but i dont want to notify my mum that is the drive i dont want to go!
please assistance!

Is a lighter period(little bleeding) normal accasionally or it is a sign of menopause surrounded by a 31 years old woman?

Going swimming on your time of year may be embarassing for the first time but no one will distinguish if you don't make a big traffic about it. Just wear a tampon and everything all right be okay. Good Luck!

Help me! im a virgin and thet want to perform a cystoscopy, will i perceive more pain cuz im a virgin?any virgins?

If you wear a tampon you should be ok. DON'T wear a wipe. Pads don't work in pools.

Period Prob. HELP?


Songs that yak about sex?

i individually wouldn't swim with my interval on. your mom will/should understand, it's not approaching it's a life or annihilation situation. have fun.

Mom of B & D

Abdominal headache and vomitting during menses. Some remedies or treatment preferred?

Learn to use a tampon. Instructions inside are very productive. Good luck.

This might sound similar to a silly question, but why are my breasts so sore?

Why don't you want to dance? You CAN go swimming. Just wear a tampon.

Here are instructions if you've never used one:


Inserting a tampon-- can't do it?

Your mother is clever in the agency of these things. You need to enjoy a mom-daughter talk just about it.

Can anyone explain the pains they experienced with a drop bladder or uterine prolapse?

Tell your mother you hold you started your periods and are supposed to step swimming. Ask her to show you how to use a tampon and then practice near them before the actual swimming daytime.

Can someone help?

thats hurtful dont go within the pool if your bleeding

why are you scared to recount your mom

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You can use a tampon while you are swimming, just trademark sure you get the right size and read and know the instructions first.

Can I use lube to aid in pushing in my tampon without have it affect absorption?

Don't fret! You can use a tampon... Just put the tampon surrounded by before you budge swimming and you will be fine.. I would take it out after you walk swimming and use either a verbs tampon or a pad. Just because I don't close to to leave tampons surrounded by too long. You will be okay. It's not a huge deal and if you don't communicate anyone you have your term no one else will know! Good Luck!

Is near any way to shorten your time?

Swimming is fine if you're on your period. If it's a big flow, wear a tampon. If not, sit it out. You should tell your mom. All women step through what you're going through and she'll definitely serve you out. There's NOTHING to be embarrased about.

Does anyone know how to stop have a period? I enjoy been on mine for 3 weeks immediately, and I am about nuts.?

you can swim glibly if you use tampons, but wearing a pad within the water isn't a perfect idea. stir ahead and talk next to your mother about it, a length is nothing to be humiliated about, everybody's get them.

Calling all women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome!!?

Wear a tampon its the individual thing you can do
Make sure you insert it right read the instructions perchance practise beforehand
But shes your mum she'll understand you dont inevitability to be embarassed

(you know the word) women's chest areas..?

this is disgusting. think of the other swimmers if something should come about! if you are going to the beach, consequently just stay at hand....on the beach, and take a tan. what if my arm be all cut up and i have a little lint on it, would you want me in equal water as you? THAT'S GROSS!

OK, i weigh 220 and i am 5'7 and i see other women who are shorter and look larger and they look.?

Use a tampon, they enjoy diffrent sizes if this is your fiirst time I would try a slim kind. Tampax is the best I regard. Also if you are going swimming in the ocean, narrate your mom, even with a tampon I would not walk swimming in the ocean near are big fish that can find you! Good Luck!

Sex Question?

All right. That' a tricky problem you have at hand. Well, you hae to tell your mother that you started on ur period. It shouldn't be too embarrassing as your mum have periods too! And, she will know soon or another isn't it? Or if you really doesn't wish to move about, pretend you are sick. Really sick like hold coughing or pretend to have a splitting headache. Or even better, travel to your friends hse early within the morning and lie to ur mum that you hold promised ur friend.

That's all i can utter. Though the best way I recommend is JUST TO TELL UR MUM.

Hope your problem will be solved.

Anyone beside interstitial cystitis, IC?

Alright, well I train swim lessons each day so I have have to do the same entry. It's no big deal. I would transmit my mom that I had my time if I was you so that she can assist get you anything you need. Also, she probably know a lot more or less it so she can help you more than you muse. Don't be afraid it's just a intuitive thing that you hold to go through. :)

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I used to be a school swimmer. Heard this from my feminine swim mates.

Due to the dampen pressure, your menstration will not be messy. but u should be careful when u obtain out of the pool. To play safe, try a tampon but i hear i might get self-conscious cos it reall swell.

Women Only Please!?

Go swimming - wear a tampon - end of answer.

I enjoy small boobs. how do i get them bigger?

Wear Pearl Tampoons. Make sure it is surrounded by correctly and then enjoy fun. I pomise u shark will not eat u because u r on ur term.

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Hi!Girl are you studying or it's just for fun?If it's for fun beside your friends,you can go-so they don't suspect too much-but don't stay in river for more than an hour!!Beleive me girl i've been near and i was almost embarassed infront of my boyfriend.If you own those pads to insert move about ahead but check after every thirty minutes.If it's for school,don't even give attention to about it-because when everyone see your 'thing', i'm sure you'll lose your swimming chew for good while you are contained by school b'coz the subsequent time you go swimming, folks will ask "hey are you not in your period again?"-or you won't go to institution for a week or the bullys will make fun of you respectively time you are in academy,they'll call you term girl or anything crazy and it might riun your studies in class!If you haven't tried this since you started your periods,after i'd advice you to linger and when you are free try getting into water afterwards have a stopwatch to see when the extent leaks from your wipe.If your periods are creamy,try it today if not, afterwards goodluck............or don't bring your boyfriend for swimming that day if not.......!Trust me I know what I'm talking roughly!!

Or talk to your mom,she might facilitate.She might get embarassed when she hear that her daughter has swam beside her periods on!Or you'll be the chitchat of the day dear......!!

I am 18 yrs old and my breasts are completely small is there something wrong beside me?

You can go swimming but you obligation to go to a stroe and get hold of some of those tampons but make sure it say-so sports...Dont forget to change every 2 hours.

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