Anyone next to interstitial cystitis, IC?

I had a cystoscopy almost a year ago, after six months of undiagnosed painful urination. Dr. said exam be "inconclusive" for IC--can't confirm the diagnosis, can't rule it out either.
Symptoms enjoy remained pretty constant for the year since then, not better, not worse, I can diminish the backache considerably by avoiding acidic foods and drinking gallons of sea.
I'd like to ask family with IC: how long until that time the onset of symptoms and the time when it be possible to confirm a diagnosis?
Also, any thoughts about intuitive remedies, or ideas for something to drink except water, would be much appreciated.


Does person at the gyno tickle? Coz he is touchin down there i am goin 4 da first time n i dont wanna chortle!?

I have it. When I have the painfull cystoscopy the doc at the time was not competent to make the diagnosis. But it have continued to bother me. And my newest doc is thoroughly convinced I have IC base on the continual symptoms and getting some relief from symptoms by avoiding caffeine and alcohol, etc. I don't know of any unconscious remedies and I sure am living most of my days in misery because of the very painfull bladder. I am sorry that you hold it too. I drink a lot of unprocessed juices but even they can be bitter in temperament. Can't think of anything to formulate you feel better.

Could I be pregnant?

I do not reflect on it makes any difference if you enjoy IC or constant UTI. The result is one and the same, throbbing and blood in your urine and discomfort etc. What have the doctor prescribed you that is the examine? Maybe you ought to get another feelings from a good urologist?

There are forums that ethnic group talk going on for remedies. Like this one
and other information for patients
I suggest you read some of these sites. Sometimes what works for me will not work for you. As a woman who has UTI adjectives her life I can sympathise next to you so much. I drink a lot - if I forget to drink - which happen now and afterwards - I have instant UTI. Good luck.

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